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Thursday 30 September 2010

My Life Reopens Again

Oil lamps are man-made object to produce light continuously for a period of time basically from an oil based fuel source.They are used alternatively to candles before the invention of electric lights like tube light and bulbs came into existence.The Components of the lamp are shoulder, pouring hole, wick, nozzle,handle and the fuel chamber.The wick is the one when lighted with matchstick gives out light .
Here is the WICK'S life story

My Life Opened NOW

I am invited with both hands in the darkened night
Substituting the bulbs and tube light when they are not right
I spread my light all around and give People good sight
They love to have me at their home for my bright light

I peep out my head giving light , a bright yellow flame
While my tail feeds on kerosene/oil  to keep me in frame
Sitting around me interesting talks and laughs came
Each and every eye notes me always ,so famous I became

When my job is done ,I am placed back in my place
Where the still darkness surrounds blowing at my face
I hide inside my cocoon house ,my little home I embrace
Waiting my next turn to come out proud and with grace

Poem written for MAGPIE TALES

Tuesday 28 September 2010

I am Honored!

To all my readers and my friends, I am honored to inform you all that I am awarded the "sweet princess award " and "the thrusday rally awards"  by Jingle for my contribution to Jingle Poetry and Thrusday poets rally.

A special thanks to Jingle who encourages people to write more poems through her prompt and awards them.For those Poetess and Writers who want to be the part of it ,I am displaying their Blog links for you

I love poetry !

An Emotional War

This poem is the continuity to my poem  "The Warrior's Story" .We were talking about war and also about fighting war against some unseen foes being united.True till now.But  the fact is fight is every where even in simpler relations like friends,husband and wife,siblings....An Emotional war.....Lets read Part 2 of War...

An Emotional War

We are  warriors still fighting
You or me, who is the best
started the war triggering their ego
Love lost
Ego wins
Where does they start ?
Its everywhere
From home of one or more children
to the schools where grades mark the talent of each one
From office differentiating people's  designation
to the blogging world where followers and comments count
Ego....cannot be defeated
but can be utilised taking ONLY one goodness out of it
which is... it does activate us to perform more to our best

A Warrior's Story

A warrior is a person highly skilled in combat and makes his country proud  by fighting his foes.Here is my short poem about a Warrior.And at last I wrote what I was thinking.Some may accept it but some wont.But its my perspective. Now, Lets go on to our poem Part 1 of WAR :

Fighting to save my country
Where my loved ones live
Protecting them from the harm that may be bestowed upon them
With all my courage I gathered
I fight the foes very active

Thinking he fights...till an arrow shot him death
His last breath wispers...Oh! I miss you all my love
I did my best to protect you all
Oh!Don't you cry of my death but
Be proud that my death is more worthier now

Great poet for a great warrior and his bravery
but what  I feel is that each country has one like this and feel the same like the poem above.
So instead of challenging people of their bravery by implying war at them why not we join hands being united to save all mankind from the danger of diseases,accidents and global warming ???

-Poem submitted for Jingle Poetry

Monday 27 September 2010

Candle Light haiku

In India,you can always have the dark night's with the current going off often ,that too being a rainy day,you can expect the darkeness surround the whole place.A candle comes in the rescue.I have this habit ..I stare at the flames of the candle as they dance to the silent breeze .I feel immense pleasure watching the flames.Time passes,but still I watch its dance as if the candle light has mesmerised me.Beautiful candle light ,a poem for you

Candle Light- Haiku(5-7-5)

Know Haiku

Feels sacred in me
That stare which meditates my mind
Candle's fire dance
                                                                              -An Haiku

Staring deeply at the candle's dancing fire
Meditates the mind deeper
Sacred Feelings

Lifts the soul higher
Penetrating Inner
Fulfills the purpose of human beings

The light that spreads vision
- The light of power
The light that warms heart
- The light of love
The light within is awaken
- The light of God

Friday 24 September 2010

Haibun form of Poetry- I Travel

The below poem is something about  travel (real or imagined) using the haibun form .Haibun form?What is that means?Okay,let me give a small intro before I give a detailed post in my Exploring Poetry on the coming days

Haibun is a combination of prose and haiku poetry, sometimes described as 'a narrative of epiphany'.I thought about a topic about travel.I have already written some in another form of poetry like the Train,Titanic ship,Desert...So I came up with this idea

I Travel

I travel so fast, flying high in the sky. I sailed over the rainbow, studied the colours of the sky and played with the wind. I am a kid again. Yes, a kid with an uncontrollable desire to learn, scrutinizing each and every thing that comes in my way.

On sky I travel
With my magic wand 
I paint butterfly

"Come on, it’s getting late. Get up”. My mom was waking me up.” You have to go for your  School exam”, she said. I slowly opened my eyes. I was awakened from my dream.” What exam?” I thought.Ah! Well, in fact this is what I was trying to do de in my dream writing, painting, and stuffs like that but it was much more exciting than this real stuff called exams.

I got up, did my cleaning, and got myself ready to go to my college. Before me on the table, I saw my pen, my lucky pen that my dad gave me for my birthday. It had a butterfly picture decorated on it. In an instant, I smiled when I looked at it.Hmm…Again, I thought “Is this my magic wand? “ LOL...I hurry up to the door.

To my School I walk
Lucky mascot in my hand 
My butterfly pen

Submitted for Bigtentpoetry

Mellow fruitfulness

The Autumn has began with the leaves falling away from the trees painting the roads colourful.Here is a poem ,welcoming Autumn

Autumn leaves
Painting by Peppi Elona

Paintings of spring and summer
are withered away
Cleaning the body of trees by wind,
flowers and leaves fall-away
Making them free of makeups to get dressed up 
ready for the advancing weather
Bringing in a smooth transition
from the hot summer to the cold winter
Halloween!.....the longest possible holiday 
expected to be somewhat ghostlier
With the arrival of night 
that becomes noticeably earlier
Mixed with a certain melancholy
linked to the arrival of harsh weather
Its a time of mellow fruitfulness that slowly gather
The story of fall is adventuresome
Yes...,The Autumn has come

Thursday 23 September 2010

Acqua di parma for you

I have already introduced to you all to the Fibonacci Poetry earlier in my Poem Book.Now I am into another form of poetry naming Acrostic.

Acrostic means a Poetry that certain letters, usually the first in each line form a word or message when read in a sequence.
So here is my poem for this picture

Part of women's accessories
Pink, lavender is your scent
Prurient is your work
Prognosis ?
Perhaps its acqua di parma

The above poem written in association with Magpie Tales

Wednesday 22 September 2010

My Baby's First Kiss-haiku

1)What is Bliss?
Bliss is Extreme happiness or joy or ecstasy.
2)When in your life have you been in Bliss?
Everyone in some part of their life has felt the bliss.Some are:
The Mother -for the baby
The Baby-for the toys
The Writer-for an appreciation and
The Contester-for the prize

Here is My Bliss:

Savored divine bliss
By your tiny lips first kiss
To attest me as Mom

Tuesday 21 September 2010

The Sun,The Moon and The Stars

Bedazzled  is this week concept for Jingle Poetry Potluck.They have given me NIGHT, MOON and STARS as the theme to write a poem for their Potluck.Let me check. I have a few strategies .Yes ,They are
1.Look, they are females
2.Keep it short
With the above two I wrote a poem that ends in rhyming and here it is for you

Poetry Potluck -Bedazzled

She comes as the powerful yet elegant
bringing in light to the world in abundant
She has in her the heat that warms everybody
being the centre, lots of planets in her she embody
Our Sun ,the queen of universe is alluring
with her presence she is the most welcomed in the morning

Coming slowly at night, she is cool and pleasant
she paves way for everyone ready to dormant
Bringing in her light like a torch in the dark
with tiny twinkling soldiers ,the Stars helping with her work
For mid-night travellers they are  really a boon
our beautiful queen of night, She is the Moon

The Sun, the Moon, the stars are three concepts of puzzle
With their looks and their ways, they have the power to make you Bedazzled

Done for Jingle Poetry Potluck

I Saw The Home of my Dream

You might have noticed me writing for many poerty blogrolls recently.Well,thats what I do now a days.Writing for them gives me more awareness of what is going on in the world of other poeters.And also gives me an insight of how my fellow poeters write differently for a single given topic.I am enjoying their company.What a life will be without communicating and disscussing the things we love to do.Thanks to blogging.It has made my world smaller and easier to communicate.

By Kayleen Cavill(West)

My mom said,

"See the moon out of the window,my young one
There are fairies there nice and sweet looking upon us"
I ate as she fed me,believing each word as she said
Imagining ..Oh! I love fairies, they are such a fun

I slept that night dreaming of the good old fairies
And I flew and flew onto the top of the earth I stood
Watching and searching for the fairies I am told of
There I realised that I am not alone,I do have Allies

My pet dog who have slept listening to mom's tale
Stood beside me watching and staring with awe
The moon is not the only one I saw standing from top
My earth itself is alive,so many children it has ,it exhales

It has so many planets,moons,stars and other things to care about
Like I do inside my bodies, many many worms and bacterias
The bad the planet becomes,it affects the whole of its surrounding
The bad I become ,it affects  the whole of me , I thought

That thought of mine awakened me from my dream world
"Mom ",I went to her and hugged her tight
"I saw no faries above but all I saw was  a fairy in itself
I saw the wonderful Home of our Earth" , looking at her brightly I told

( Poem written for Monday Child )

Monday 20 September 2010

Its An Hourglass Life

HoURglASs LiFE :

I am caught up in the top part
Feeling strong but afraid I will fall back apart
I am caught at the bottom part
Feeling strong to make again to the top to restart

Grains of sand I am thought of
But not,I am grain of tiny men thereof
Waiting for my turn to go up and down
Swirling inside the hourglass town

You and me,we push in to go first into the hourglass hone
As we are aware that Time and Tide waits for None

Poem written for Magpie Tales

No One Would Have Believed Me

My  prompt for Tuesday September 21st for "Carry on Tuesday".The prompt this week is the first words from H G Wells 1898 novel, War of the Worlds ,
No one would have believed...
I have to use all or part of it within my poem or prose.Hmm, I am in a state of mind where I have to believe and Hope.And so is my poem :)

I believed,
That life is full of pains that would be washed away
With the hope that nurtures in one's heart doorway
There should be no one to be left sad or betrayed , I pray
For I believe, they are just  lessons to make us more mature than yesterday
So if you are sad and drowned or feel like a bedlam
Believe that after a hard storm,there comes a part that is calm
I have no other option but have to believe
For believe is the only hope that is to be cultivated to live

A Haiku for the same :
No one would have believed ...

NO ONE is good or bad
WOULD better be bad if I HAVE to
Since bad ones are better received than good ones
I just wrote for the poem and yet its true

The above for Sunday 160
Comments ?

Friday 17 September 2010

I Made my own Recycled Plaything

Big Tent Poetry -Wordle -This is a new community that I joined in.They conduct weekly prompt for poets and poetess to expose their talent and mingle with one another
This week’s prompt
Oh, how we love The Wordles! Use as many of these words as you can in a poem. They may look like a mess now, but we have faith that you will sort it all out. Isn’t it interesting how poetry can do that?

At first sight of the above words like evidence, half-eaten, answer that I was pushed to write a poem involving crimes .But I don't want to.I played around with the above words so that they may produce a better theme and then I came out with this poem.

My Theme : Every child in this world have the tendency to make something new or creative with whatever bits and pieces of things they find intresting to them be it a piece of paper or broken parts of toys.They love to solve puzzles.
Hope you will like it

A young child was watching the swarm of bees
Sitting on the debris of an half-eaten backbone of a 'flesh'
As curious as a child would be at her age
She was eager to find out the answer
With the evidence that was left behind for her over there
She docked the debris around the backbone
Cleaning it with a  piece of her skirt
And she embellished them with colourful stones
That she collected in her well maintained garden
Making a temporary ornament and played with it
Chanting the words "Recycle and Reuse"

Thursday 16 September 2010

Its Just Once In a Lifetime Journey

We all have the habit of comparing our life with many things .More often , we compare life with the journey by Train .Train is like our life in this world in itself .We get into the train and travel to our destination which is already fixed.In between , we see different people travelling in and out of our train with different purposes, work and destination.Sometimes we talk,laugh and mingle with them till we or they reach their place outside the Train at some specified station. I learned that sometimes when we are unhappy in our life, comparing with things like this does miracle with your mind making it to feel much better.I tried to convey this message through a poem and here is it for you.

It’s my arrival
I am surrounded by relatives and friends
smiling happily at my arrival
passing sweets and chocolates
celebrating my coming home

It’s my departure
I am surrounded by relatives and friends
crying sadly at my departure
passing consolation from one another
feeling sad of my going away from home

It’s my journey
In between my arrival and departure
I am caught between my purposes of my life
Learning the secrets of love and giving

During my journey,
I meet all sorts of people from 6 to 60's of age
Both healthy and sick, but traveling the same
As stations comes, few people get out of the train
Leaving place for the ones who come in

The people moving about, I watch them accustomed
I pridely await for my departure that is yet to come
I ‘m traveling my route with the best of my dream
Making my life worthy to remember with gleam
I don't care of my arrival or my departure which is certain
But what matters to me is my ride on this train
So during the end which would be my last rest
People should say,
There goes the soul which had lived a life to its best

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Appreciation Haiku


Great,Good... few small words
Has the Power to fullfill
Any Relationship

Above poem for Haiku Heights

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Touch Somebody's Life Today
Crying Makes you Healthier
Its Just Once In a Lifetime Journey

Give me a moment to cry!

Cry ! Crying exhibits  the feeling of your pain
Cry ! Cry in limit  to feel better again

 I Clean My Mind
I Power My Soul

Sometimes I do this to clean out my worries
So I have space for things that is truly necessary

Above Poem for
Haiku Heights
Sunday Scribblings

Friday 10 September 2010

" Travelling Booths " that makes our life easier

"Necessity is the Mother of All inventions" , surely you might have heard this somewhere.Today in this 21 th century, we are using most of the electronic equipments and gadgets that are necessary.Of all the inventions, Internet and social networking is the most wonderful and  powerful one that keeps the people connected together.From Email ,to SMS to Video Chatting....All these became possible through inventions and made Life easier for us to keep connected, except for Travelling

Well,Travelling is still complicated now although we have aeroplanes and ship that had been helping us till now.But the disadvantage is that  its takes a long day and large amount of our time to reach that place,our destination.I always wondered when  I am late for a place say to a school or a college or an office or to a function," Huh !Why not can I  travel with a click of a button,so that I may reach the place faster,much quicker".

Its just my imagination.Do read on , maybe any Mr.Einstein out there brings them to life.
'X' person is in his office in Mumbai.He is working there as a software engineer.He is in a tight schedule working in a busy project.His wife is nearing due date and now she is in Pondicheery in her mother's place.Time arrived and she is going to give birth that morning.She telephoned her husband.Both husband and wife wanted to be with each other at that time.But is it possible to book a ticket,go at the right time to see his baby.Oh..lots of stress and work.In this case,if travelling s much more easier Life will not only be easier with him but to also people who are reading this posts.

My Idea ,though sounds crazy will be a Travelling Booth. Ah!I named it.Imagine a rectangular box with necessary communication like our good old computers,laptops and networking and of course GPS(Global Positioning System ).Each and every place in world has it, like our good old Telephone Booth. So,'X' is lucky enough , he enters a nearest Travelling Booth in Mumbai and enters his Unique Identification Number and enters the destinations as Pondicherry and then pays the bill.After paying,he presses "GO"button .Now,SWISHHHH he goes  to Pondicherry 's Travelling Booth in a minute.(assuming that even travelling booth has their own codes and identification number).
Now,'X' was just in time to the hospital to see his new born.

What a Technology it would be!A big leap for Human beings.Hope someone out there might try this ,so that our future generation are very lucky like Mr 'X'.

Images of GPS:

Human beings are made up of Atoms.Atoms are the basic building blocks of matter that make up everyday objects.

See also:

In case any Mr.Einstein found this interesting and moves on to start this project ,I  request you to keep the name "Travelling Booth".  :)

Travelling Booth
Inventions Inventions Inventions everywhere
That's started with the first invention of fire
Now with Mobile phones,Laptops,Television here and there

With inventions moving up the ladder day by day
There is one drop behind leaving pollutions at bay
Like Newtons "Every reaction has equal and opposite reaction "

Still we are not satisfied with our thirst for improvement
Searching answers from better to best till we never resent
Like "Necessity is the mother of Inventions".

Dreams bring in inventions
Ideas create the right direction
The above both are brought to life working with perspiration

Young minds dream and do dream to begin
Yet keep the world the best place to live in
With Inventions that create no Pollution

Touch Somebody's Life Today

I was busy lately with the pick up and drop of my daughter to school.She is in her pre-kg and in a new environment ,so have to give her lots of encouragement doses to go to school.She learnt quickly.She is a mommy's girl afterall.I hold her hand from home to school in the morning and while returning to pick her up,give her a big hug .My son needs lots of kisses returning home too.What an emotion?All realted to touch and kisses and hugs....all need some touch of love in their daily life whether young or old.We live for love ,that Touch

Just born new ,cuddling in the Mother's hand
feeling secured is the baby
Its a touch

Making love ,Hugging tight,all through
my life holding hands,My lover and spouse
Its a touch

Hearthbroken,crying and sitting alone
comforting hearts are my friends,hand on lap
Its a touch

Encouraging me ,patting on my back
and shaking hands when I lead and win
Its a touch

One Touch can pass feelings from one another
One Touch has the power to lift life all together
Touch Somebody's Life Today

Tuesday 7 September 2010

Crying Makes You And Me Healthier

Today morning I had a walk in the park with my kids.It had rained that night .I could see the rain drops everywhere and I can feel the cool breeze touching  me softly when I walked around the park.Well, I thought I had been in happier moments and also in sad moments in my life.Sometimes we see few drops of tears, say one or two rolling clamly from the sides of our eyes when we are most happiest and when sad , you can see a lots of drops like a little river -Tears , it rolls and rolls from our eyes. And the question is :
IS CRYING  HEALTHY....comment?

Raindrops Raindrops
falling from the sky
rolling down over
washing the land , leaves and towers

One drop of happy drops
Make my soul to sing higher
One drop of sad drops
Makes my soul from drowning deeper

<0>,  ing     <0>,  ing       <0>,  ing

Saturday 4 September 2010

The Deepest Of Ocean Swayed By Love

Concept of this poem : Most of us think Love is strong between lovers only but Love exists even more stronger in our relationship with our parents, siblings , friends and even with our kids.It varies from person to person ,time to time but the Waves of Love remains the same .Here ,I have brought in front of your eyes a short love story between a brother and a sister on a positive note.

So deep is the ocean of your heart
I try but could not visualize even a single part
There are times when I asked you about it when you worry
But without telling me, I can't be of help, I'm so sorry
Some times I can see you in your room so alone
Sitting pale and crying over the phone

One day,you came running home crying
I stopped you,and when asked , I know to me you were lying
Unable to control my anger,I gave you a hard blow
You lost control of yourself telling me everything in a flow
Then , you ran away into your room and jammed up the door
I waited for you to settle down ,then came near you sitting on the floor

I slowly held your hand and said,
"Just listen to me,don't speak a word in between
It doesn't matter about yesterday or how you have been
What happened is just for good , for at last its been found
There is no use in living with a man who has been fooling around
If you feel you aren't lucky now,maybe its not luck after all
There is still life to move on, its your next call
You are still alive ,so fresh, beautiful and young
So never lose this time which will never come again
Go and sleep now and when you wake up tomorrow ,close your eyes and say
That you , my sister of this brother is now strong to face a new day "

You slowly moved your head up and looked straight into my eyes and asked
"Where were you so long ,Oh brother, this is what I have missed
Now I know who stands by me when I am down
For these were the affection and love I have missed when I am lone
I am still your sister and now take my word, listen now
There is nothing so strong that will lift up my soul like your love
I will be stronger than yesterday from today
Its true I am still young and have to go a long way"

She smiled at me , her brother and held my hand lightly
And I noticed the waves in her ocean seems to calm down slowly

Friday 3 September 2010

Take Me As An Example

Hi all ,I am ending this week with my poem based on a moral.Poems with morals are stronger than words said .This poem is about the cruelty of cutting down trees.There would be no humans living in today's world of pollution without Trees.Of course,it also plays an important role in Climatic Changes that occurs world wide.This is my message to you people out there through a poem .Hope you like it.

An Example

I was a kid with a large family extending for about 100 miles long
Where lots of visitors from wild animals to birds came to play and sing songs
We were all happy for we had all we needed and the rain god always blessed us with enough rain
I looked up with pride at all living things around me not knowing that fate will make our happiness to wane
Feeling happy ,I closed my little eyes with peace and went down to sleep
When a sudden cry woke me up
to see a crowd of people and in their hands, long axes they did keep

I thought that they had come to visit my place as all other living beings would love to do
But all I saw was animals crying in madness and the birds , they scattered and they flew
When a man came to cut a tree beside me, she(tree) gave me a look for help
I stared at her as she fell down giving out a strange long yelp
This cruelty continued and I closed my eyes awaiting for my death
Being mesmerized in this sudden change of life away from mirth

I heared a man saying that the work is been over for today
And they will be back when they need more in another day
Finishing their work and carrying logs of woods , they went
We few that have been left for now started to resent
Its all a dream, I said to myself
Still closing my eyes and praying for help
The Mother Nature showed her anger by not raining and made the place so hot

But we trees stood still not having any other place to go nor any options left out
People who had hearts felt that something was going wrong by cutting down the trees

They quarreled among themselves and finally all gave up and left us free
Then after a few days the sudden silence woke me up from my dream
And I slowly opened my eyes to see who were all still alive in my team

That was the greatest shock in my life for all I could see was nothing...I was left alone
I stood defeated, I cried ,I prayed for my death for now I am lost and torn
Each day I look above to see the sun, my only companion to share
After all , she is the only one left out for me to care
I would question her every day, why I was the selected one to be left out
From the cruelty that befalled all her friends and the
whole lot

Days went by,I grew old and finally I saw few human eyes pry on me one day
The look on their eyes moulded me as AN EXAMPLE not to play with The Mother Nature's orderly ways

Is it a Rule or a Law or a Regulations ?
No..It is The Mother Nature's way teaching and living Life


Thursday 2 September 2010

My Best Friend

I wrote this poem when I was in my school days and I like this poem very much because of it's rhymes and for it's essence.For many of us, books are their Best Friend especially for my Dad .If you want to find my Dad,you can always find him in his room with his books sometimes reading and sometimes writing. (And my Mom in the kitchen ;-)

Best Friend
Someone asked me “ Who is your best friend? ”
My mouth uttered a few names of some friends in a rapid flow
To escape from embarrassment ( of lying ) , I had to pretend
As a person seeming neither funny nor too low
When I was alone in bedroom one day
I thought over the phrase “ best friend”
Who are they to me ?

Is it -
A person who shows us the right path and way
Or someone who shares our sadness and gay (of course its gay:: happiness)
Or someone who listens to everything I say
I had been through good times and bad times in my life
But never did I complain it to my friends, parents nor my wife (had to bring the word wife here to sound it rhyming)
If one sees my eyes one can find some sadness inside
But my beautiful face carries a smile intelligent enough to hide
I do everything that hurts others and get hurt in return
And sometimes they, inside my heart it burns
There were days where I was filled with untold sorrows
And I don’t find anyone who, from me willingly borrows
I thought ,I got the best of everything I can’t complain about
Lots of presents and friends surrounding me all time in and out
Now,I have been through lonely and sleepless nights
Searching for an answer and searching for light
After a long journey(inside my mind), I now knew who is my best friend is

Yeah! Books are my best friends !

Whatever may be the time or whatever may be the day
She(Books) helps me getting away from sorrows in everyway
Giving me happiness, sleep, hope and courage
Above all ,being with me every time and at every age
I have been a Lawyer, a Doctor, a Robber and even a Scientist
And each and every character the book holds in a wide variety of list
I have been asked questions without any reasons
And slowly she(book) makes me find a valid solution

She(book) makes me laugh with heart content
And sometimes make my head bow with contempt
She(book) made me calm, funny, to kill ,to love and to cry

And she thought me different ways how to lie ( hehe)
She made me feel complete within her own world
Making me to attempt complex situation facing with bold(ness)
She made me the leader of Mafia’s and sometimes President of USA
Filling me each day with her own and unique way
Now at last, there is no need to pretend

To say,
“BOOKS are my dear and Best Friend "

Wednesday 1 September 2010

Friends Forever

Friends Forever

Singing together the song of trust and love
Dancing together to its rhythm till now
Learning together to take and to give
Dreaming together in our world,we live

We are friends
Till the end

Walking together in the ups and downs of my paths
Holding my hand near your little heart
Fighting together and Playing together
Laughing together ,always far and near

I know you
You are true

Praying together for a friend like you
Who never gives up on love that only blossoms for a few
Bringing together the joy of forgiving my flaws
And Spreading together the waves of our friendship across

Yes,We are friends
Till the End