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Sunday, 27 November 2011

Rhythmus :My New e-book Published

I have been happy to come out with my selected best unpublished poems for my new e-book "RHYTHMUS" .You all have been helpful to make me analyse and write better and the outcome is this new e-book.Thanks for the love and support.

You can purchase it from Smash word : Download 

The amount is very small so you wont have to hesitate to download it in your Apple ,Kindle or as pdf files.If you like my works, do share it with your friends

Again,thanks for the love and support to make me hooked into the writing world.

Friday, 25 November 2011

Writers and Novelists

Words flow through a hand
writing its own mind with a pen
A new page is written everytime
as each new day dawns.
I flow with each and every move
of that invisible fingers

Open the index that points to
a sweet twist in my chapter
Wherein I have asked you
to join me to unfold new pages
So that we can reproduce
a sequel in the coming days ahead.

Among the ups and downs of my life ,
I had my best writings
to be reproduced into editions
for generations to come.
I still ...
I still live through them
So never ever repent..
even if you hear someone say that
"My Chapters have been closed"

- dedicated to all writers

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

The Mirror Outside

She lay spread on bed
As silent as she can be
Idle and possessed
I collected her as I got up
Carefully pulling out the loops
That resulted due to the love
Between the hairs at night
Mockingly , I tied her up

I opened the door for her
To get wet in the cool shower
I moved my fingers through her
And loosened her from the clutch
I watched the sight...
Gracious !
She fell cascading in elegance
And when the cool water trickled her
She soaked  herself into moistness
Doving in the shampoo producing rich lather
I bathed her fresh like a morning star

She then cuddled in between the cotton treads
Peeping now and then to the light outside
Frizzling slow...
She dried herself under the Sun
Allowing the heat to penetrate into her
Pampered in the warmth of love

Suddenly the cool breeze swarmed
Into the holes between the strands
Of her hair, unveils the beautiful face
That’s hidden behind the thin long screens
Scrubbing out the scents from the hair
That been bathed with rosewater touch
I smelled the fragrance closing my eyes
Indulging in the sweetness of tenderness

Each time I hold her soft body in my hands
I felt tender passion dissolving in
Each time she brushed on my face
I remembered pleasant moments
Being a delicate part of my body
She responds to every pain I incur
I know that she cares more for me
Breaking loose and in size reduce
Ready to hides my tears,when low
Or shines with glow when I 'm joyous
And this is how she talks with me.
I never seen such friend who heeds
To every feelings that I undergo ,
Displaying or making sure that I read

I brushed aside my wavy sassy lover
That knows how I feel in her close presence
I shook my head and beamed thinking
Of the woman in me who loves being pampered
With the same soft touch of care and love
I realize that I need to tie her up once again
A secret brief lock....
As she is my best Mirror outside

This post is composed for the prompt “Love your Hair and it loves you back” blogger contest by Dove and IndiBlogger with the launch of the new Dove Nourishing Oil Care Range,
Promote this post in Indiblogger [Promote]
Do hit [FB Like] if you like this post 

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Halloween Party at Night

Lighted Pumpkins on the doorway
Invites witches to come and play
Wandering on brooms stick on the sky
Zoom Zoom and Zoom ,they fly

I was seated in a dim lighted room
With hunched back and deadly groomed
I slowly sucked in my thick red tomato soup
From a big bowl of scary dots and loops

Knock Knock Knock, I heard some noise
Crooked broken voices of girls and boys
Receiving the signal, I quickly gathered
My baskets with monster chocolate and fled

Hello Hello and Hello..we are in
Come let us  party for Halloween
From door to door, we go and call
Tagging for party friends ,short and tall

We scare and scare all through the night
Those who were caught on our sight
They stood and looked at us kids
Snaring at us with their wry smile undid

Witches or skeleton, we need no such dress
And telling there's yet no monster better than us

Saturday, 29 October 2011

NaNoWriMo 2011 - 50,000 word Novel in just 30 days !

National Novel Writing Month for 2011 for all writers who love to write novels with guidance.I have participated in A to Z Challenge , NaPoWriMo(National Poetry Writing Month) and Haiku Challenges before for continuous one month.It had been a real challenge driving me to write whether I am ready or not.And as a result, I wrote everyday , learned new things and  finally produced some wonderful works  through them.This NaNoWriMo is 10 times more than the other writings challenge.If you like to face a real challenge in you life that keeps you awake all through the whole month, then this is for you.(I'm still thinking about it)

For those who wanted to know what NaNoWriMo is , I am giving you a brief summary.

What is NaNoWriMo ?

November is the chosen month for all who signed up.You got to write a 50,000-word novel on November 1 and finish by midnight on November 30th.You can write on drafts on your blog or use MS.Word document or even Notepad.Whatever you chose ,from November 1 everyday you got to update your word count in that box provided by NaNoWriMo .org site ( at the top) and then you can post excerpts of what you have written in your blog for your readers to read daily or weekly or however you want them to. Then, on the final day November 30,give yourself a good pat for successfully finishing it and upload your novel for official verification on the website.

If all goes well ,then you will be added to the web site's hallowed Winner’s Page.Also you get a cool winner’s certificate and web badge so that you can publish them on your blog/website. How does it sound? Cool isn't it.But one thing that I appreciate here is that it says that we will motivate us throughout our writing process (by the website).If you are looking for something like this, then why don't you sign-up too? Sign Up

Friday, 21 October 2011

The Story of Rapunzel's Hair

Long Long ago, I grew long to flow
Wavy and sassy , chit chat as I go
I brush the soft walls on the towers
That measures my height as I reach lower
I am bathed in Lukewarm water
With natural herbs and natural colors
I am pampered with nourishing coconut oils
Carefully and neatly tied up to coil
My long golden mane with colorful ribbons
Adorned with flowers ,yellow and crimson
I am loved and taken care of so well
By a beautiful maiden named Rapunzel
I played messenger helping her find
Her true love role playing from behind
Up and down , In and out I go
Providing a only pathway to below
Until the wicked witch struck me upon
Cutting my beauty in two , one half down
Held wickedly on the hands of the witch
My other half on Rapunzel who's been ditched
I wander with her in the lonely woods
Unknown of the spell cast upon her only good
Finally, a rescue was bestowed through a Dove
To bring back my true long self and her True Love

Love and get loved - The story of Rapunzel's hair rescued through the Dove
One thing I loved about Rapunzel's hair is that she pampered her hair with love and affection which drove her to get healthier and long hair.I am not a Rapunzel but I can do what she does to her Hair [ pampering my hair to save what is left now :( ]

Life is fun when viewed from a different perspective ."Put yourself in other's shoe so you may know their pain" is a well known proverb. Now ,let me put it in a different way."Put yourself on the other side of the world say a dream world so that you may  know how beautiful your life is like a poetic world " . Chill !! :)

Shape Poems - A amalgamation of big brand Cars to ride with ...

Shape Poems are a little tricky.They can be fun to be played with and also at the same time ,it is a little time consuming since we got to derive at a shape with our final outcome.They provide more fun especially to the children who gets attracted to patterns and shape and learning to write poems using this form of poetry can bring more involvements in literature.

You can know more about this form of poetry through these links 


Monday, 3 October 2011

Published Poems and Articles

RHYTHMUS (via Smashword) - This is my best unpublished works with dreams and hopes woven at my best into poems.Even now when I read them ,I drown myself into the beauty of the poems.I am sure you will like them too.It is also available at Barnes & Noble  , Apple iTunes , Sony Reader , WHSmith for NooK books. Read the sample pages Click here.... 

INSIDE MY POEM BOOK @ AMAZON- My debut eBook with published and unpublished works .I loved when I worked out this eBook into Kindle edition for Amazon Kindle Store .It was a dream come true. Now available at Winkstore , Infibeam and Pothi too.

Online Literary Publication which I cherish most
CHILDREN STORY - by Pratham Books

Online Articles Publications 

For Blogs :

By Print
I have had the memorable moments of more articles being published by print in few magazines like City Direct Pondicherry Magazine and other small prints Magazines
Few Scanned and Uploaded on my Face Book 

Another one in the making of The Project Humming Bird by Fountain Guild Pen on the National level :)

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Haiku - Color

King of all Colors
Visible clear at night ,any lengths
Red , a Life Saver

Some points favoring RED Color

  • Red Color is bright and intense
  • The color of our blood is red
  • Red is the color of the Sunset , Fire and seen in Autumn leaves
  • The color of LOVE and passion is Red.That's why you give Red Rose or Red Heart for your Loved ones
  • Red is visible at any oblique angles during any time of the day night times.The rear lights of cars and vehicles, Train flags, Post Box , Telephone Booths are mostly seen in the Red color.
  • The color RED is important for Hindu's in India as well as the Chinese peoples.It symbolizes good luck and prosperity

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Haiku - Rhythm

Steady In and Out
It follows the same pattern
In Rhythm , I Breath

I have always wondered about the patterns of Life.Each and everything that we come across in our daily life follows some rules and patterns like the seasons ,rotations of earth, lives of living beings and more importantly our Breath.

Let's respect this cycle of change and repetition of the same


Tuesday, 27 September 2011

I ain't no Beauty - Poetry for the soul that needs some charm

Prompt from Poets United
I ain't no Fairy Tale Princess
Though some beauty I do possess
I'aint taking about white skin and red lips
which portrays beauty that a princess keeps
Though like Cinderella , I wait for a stardom
to marry a prince who searches for me to come
To awake me from my Sleep, as deep as a sea
 Fighting the evil to breaks my curse free
Like Snow White, I lay on coffin  for true love
until to be awakened by a Prince kiss  now 
I ain't no beauty to be saved like a Prince would
Falling in love by looks and does what he should
I am a framed bones and flesh coated neatly by skin
Which expands when fat and shrinks when thin
In case, you can't accept whats in store
I ain't the one you look for or need anymore

Haiku - CHARM

Golden sun flower
Thick inside, Thins outside charmed
By Sun's same beauty

Monday, 26 September 2011

Haiku - Poise

The Fall of the Falls
Calls upon hidden stories
Behind withered leaves

Leaf lays poised on ground
Unknown of being written
Of his life through fall

The Fall , season to watch for withered leaves has began now.I'm searching for stories to write through those leaves.One I had written in the name of " Mellow Fruitfulness " and the other yet to be written

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Haiku - Phoenix

Darkness, left alone
woman in black prayed
to embrace phoenix

Invisible light
that shone over the darkness
had raced from her  heart

She , a strong woman 
allowed herself to embrace
into divine light

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Haiku - Food

No life without you
I work hard just to have you
Food , my savior

Would you disagree with me? Foods, comes in many forms.Here, in another poem of mine I have derived many sources of food " Ensconced Food "

Friday, 23 September 2011

Haiku - Lost

He writes Poetry
As his wrinkled hand trembles 
To revive Lost Love

Love is a word that can be handled in any manner when writing a Haiku.To see more such works , have a look at Haiku's and Poetry.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Haiku - Water

Shape modifier
Adjusts itself and rests in peace
Rational Water

Water everywhere
Yet ,unsuitable to drink

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Haiku - Bullseye

Litter of puppies
Fought their way down to be born
Gosh!who hit their face

Enhanced their beauty 
Got stamped one here and one there
Bulls-eyed puppies

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Haiku - Bubbles

A Thirsty Bubble 
Drank air with its belly full
To harvest Colours

Monday, 19 September 2011

Haiku - Feather

You through silent plays
Feather one's Nest, gloomy mind
Election awaits you!

I slapstick , I mime
Make people laugh with moves yet
Not I feather brained

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Haiku - Bold

Black Horses
Trots along the dry pastures
Dressed in Bold colours

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Haiku - Chocolate

Cast down eyes , bowed head
with lips that smirk trails
Hidden Chocolates

Chocolate Kisses ,
wafted from a heart so true
Treat delicious

Friday, 16 September 2011

Haiku - Winter

Big Brother Series
A Show that crowns the winner
Who beats Winter Blues

Into the Bardo ,a website for a cause is dedicated solely for the people with cancer.The word Bardo itself means that it is something related to a place after physical death when our soul is between material manifestations. So, in this place you can see poetry, essays and stories from the  perspectives of people facing this situation or someone who can visualize the situation.The writings are mainly related to coping up and facing life with hope.I thank Jamies Dedes for letting me know about this website( Into The Bardo) .

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Haiku - Chime

Adorned , she hang down
Responds to the movements as
she chimes from those Ears

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Haiku - Patience

She bears with patience
A load of ten kilogram

None to taunt their look
 The silence was their virtue
Patience of Woman

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Haiku - Elixir

Entirely Parched out
Eyes pray for the Elixir 
Summer Rain 

Earth Ruptured out
Deprived of her basic need  
Elixir of Thirst

Monday, 12 September 2011

Haiku - Liberty

Sanctified yet fenced 
Married woman deprived of
Liberty of Choice

The above Haiku is sometimes argumentable.Their are few blessed yet there are few who knows how true the above haiku is .Switch on your idiot box if you don't agree ...some realities are taken as soaps episodes after episodes , maybe that's why the TRP rating is in peak in hours when the soaps hits the screen (wink*)

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Saturday, 10 September 2011


Child in heart , awakes
Peeps in love under silence
Eyes that toys around

Friday, 9 September 2011

Haiku - Magic

Smooth line on pink lump 
Straightens every marks on lips
As magic curve ' Smile'

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Haiku -Yearn

Yearn to develop 
To Control your thoughts , educe
The Invincible 

Prompt :'Yearn' from Haiku Heights

Articles that might interest you

Haiku - Hidden

Eyes dry and exhaust
I still work to uncover
My Hidden Triumph

An Yearning !

Untold grief, Oh!Mom
If only I could wipe out 
Your Hidden Tears

Prompt: 'Hidden' for Haiku Heights ...

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Haiku - Hypnotic

No drugs , No tablets
Just a brush over my hairs
Hypnotic , I rest

Prompt : Hypnotic from Haiku Heights

Hosting a Free Giveaway in " Get Your Memories Digitized " sponsored by My Memories Suite. For limited period only.

I always have been a curious about the word Hypnotism .Like I have already said, mysterious things tickle me always and I search and research ,sometimes blogging them and sometimes nagging at them ..phew (scratching  my eyebrows ) a little of hypnotism here

Hypnotism in a simple word is a state of trance while fully awake.How does it sound? In most hypnotism , people always feel deep relaxation and are highly suggestible.Moreover , when someone is hypnotizing you , he would have your mind under his control.You will accept his suggestions and his ways.As I write this, I can see myself recalling the bockbuster "Inception" movie (some how they are different though the idea seemed similar).I happen to stumble upon this self-hypnosis video and tried it .I found it to be a bit sleep inducing by tricking my eyes .

Haiku - Kiss

A Kiss, hundred times
Caters the needs of young ones
Partakes Parent Birds 

Prompt: "Kiss" from Haiku Heights .
For more haiku's , click more...

Hosting a Free Giveaway in " Get Your Memories Digitized " sponsored by My Memories Suite. For limited period only.

Read about Hypnotism  and try self-hypnosis 

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Haiku - Flourish

Flourish in rapport
Seeds of mutual respect
Spouse Happiness

Well who never want to be respected in any relationship.In fact, in marriage life ,respecting each other brings in more confidence and in turn love between spouses.

Don't you agree ?

You are invited to read and comment on these post : Online Boons and An Indiblogger's Story .Awaiting whats in store for me today :)

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Haiku -Sky

Darkle sky ,whose sketch
Made your gloomy face smile 
Half-moon lit night

Know about the " Inside Of The Moon "   .Moon whether full and half  always inspires us to dream and write more .....

Haiku -Windmill

Windmill of thoughts
Swirls my memories back
Nostalgic feelings

I always have these feelings whenever you stumble upon something familiar that brings back a pleasant memories.The five senses mix and mingle to rewind you to those beautiful days.To name some , I always prefer to say the smells of mud when fresh rains starts, the favourite dishes, photo albums and few places which resembles to mine .Many out there will have the similar feelings too..

Sigh!!..How I wish to adore the pleasant past of childhood !

You are invited to read and comment on these post : Online Boons and An Indiblogger's Story .Awaiting whats in store for me today :)

Friday, 2 September 2011

Mirror My Haiku

Who does know better 
Paradise of my thoughts , I
Write to appease self

Stainless Glass, Mirrors
My reflections yet I shy 
To part inner stains 

The  Heights of Haiku Challenge - September 2011 hosted by Haiku Heights Leo with today's' Prompt : Write , Mirror ( Have to put two posts in a row having stumbled upon only today )

Review of writing an Haiku
More Haiku 's ....

You are invited to read and comment on this post : Online Boons and An Indiblogger's Story .Awaiting whats in store for me today :)

Thursday, 25 August 2011


old and new
the storage boxes
of remembrance

the old tickles our mind
and asks "do you remember me?
that old books on the library,
the aroma of the sand when drenched in rain,
scented flowers brushing your nose
and mama's recipe , my favorite dish"

The other end the new slowly hangs on to a place
carefully sealing itself under the neural jelly
adding and mingling with the old
to be recalled again as a whole
when my nose buds feels the aroma
as my brain start researching
what's the ingredient of the smell is  ...

-Prompt "Smell" from Poets united

You might like to read articles from my other Blog ..check the right-hand side for"Articles from My other blog" never know what you stumble upon to.....

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Author details

I find it easy to portray me as a Poet which I found out during my writing journey. Having a degree in Engineering, I found myself quite well in fixing pieces of words together and getting them published.

What is a poetry? If some one asks me this question, I have two answers with me.The former being "Poetry is an ART where we paint the pictures with our words" and the latter is "Poetry is my self-expression".  Here I mean self -expression because I try to relate (fantasize ) myself with the characters I write taking into account all aspects of life .
My Blogs
Inside My Poem Book - the name was born for tagging it in Google search
Perpetual Mind - this name says exactly what  I blog , all that buzzes in my Mind

Apart from my Blogs "Inside My Poem Book ", which is my debut start of Blog writing Poems followed by Perpetual Mind , wherein I blog Articles and write Reviews , I have also Published my Works both Online and in Print.

RHYTHMUS (via Smashword) - This is my best unpublished works with dreams and hopes woven at my best into poems.Even now when I read them ,I drown myself into the beauty of the poems.I am sure you will like them too.It is also available at Barnes & Noble  , Apple iTunes , Sony Reader , WHSmith for NooK books. Read the sample pages Click here.... 

INSIDE MY POEM BOOK @ AMAZON- My debut eBook with published and unpublished works .I loved when I worked out this eBook into Kindle edition for Amazon Kindle Store .It was a dream come true. Now available at Winkstore , Infibeam and Pothi too.

Online Literary Publication which I cherish most
CHILDREN STORY - by Pratham Books

Online Articles Publications 

For Blogs :

By Print
I have had the memorable moments of more articles being published by print in few magazines like City Direct Pondicherry Magazine and other small prints Magazines
Few Scanned and Uploaded on my Face Book 

Another one in the making of The Project Humming Bird by Fountain Guild Pen on the National level :)

Sunday, 14 August 2011

"Vande Mataram" -the Songs of the Indian Soul

"Vande Mataram"
this musical words
cuts chords of the string
covering the soft walled hearts
to let out that feeling
"to be Free..."

This land of Bharatam
stands now on its own feet
having its own breathe of
" Freed air "

Unforgettable legend
reminds each one of us
still alive on this mud 
the days of shed bloods
countless number of tears
and unanswered prayers

Stand now to
the words of our leaders
spread the light and
have the will
to celebrate this day
answering those 
shed bloods and tears
to live each passing day
"Vande Mataram"

Indian flag comprises of three colors saffron,white and green in equal proportions.On the middle is the wheel in navy blue color comprising of 24 spokes and this Emblem design is adapted from the Lion Capital of Ashoka at Sarnath on January 26, 1950.The ratio of the width of the flag to its length is 2:3 and the diameter of the chakra approximates to three-fourth of the width of the white band of the flag.Indian flag is also called as Trianga.

I could remember my school days, when our principal hosts the flag and we the students, singing the National Anthem song in chorus.She used to pull the flag high and slow and when spread ,showers the rose petals upon her head and the students nearby .It was such a unique look seeing the hosted flag flying pridely to the waves of the brushing breeze.
National Elements
National Tree : Banyan
National Flower : Lotus
National Fruit : Mango
National Animal : Tiger
National Game : Hockey
National Song : Vande Mataram
National Anthem : Jana Gana Mana
Natianl Emblem : The Lion Capital
National Calender : Saka Calender
National Flag : Tiranga

The National Emblem (as seen in the above picture) symbolizes India's commitment to world peace and goodwill. You can see four lions (three in front and the fourth one behind) .The lions symbolizes power, courage and confidence resting on a circular abacus which in turn is girded by four smaller animals named as  guardians of the four directions: the lion in the north, the elephant in the east, the horse in south and the bull in the west. The whole of the abacus rests on a lotus in full bloom meaning the fountain of life and creative inspiration. Below it is inscribed a word /motto 'Satyameva Jayate'  meaning "Truth Alone Triumphs".

Life is Only Once , Short and Precious ....Lets learn to Live in Unity !!

Another Independence opening a gateway (Support Causes)
Joining Hands (Lokpal Fasting) on ....16th August 2011


Sunday, 7 August 2011

~ Dreams ~ Exploring poetry Free verse

Free verse is this week exploring poetry prompt.As the name says, you are free to write any verse without following any poetry patterns, rhyme scheme or any other musical pattern.But you are free to use, phrases , simple words, recurrence or create images with your poem.Below is my free poem that I wrote using my experience .I dont want to let the suspense so fast.Read on to find it and leave your comments below 

Exploring Poetry : Free Verse

a clasp on both hands
tied tightly and
lifting me slowly
above the ground
a transparent wing grew
it grew larger and larger
as I fly higher and higher
swirling like a tornado
I started to shout
laughing hysterically
it was magical
How did I continuously laugh?
10 min
5 min
Hey! enough stop .
It's over
I got down
from the fun fair saucer ride

            ~   ~
            +   +

You can check more poetry forms by clicking here.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Happy Friendship Day!

Pleasure to have friends
who lights up your surroundings
'Disguised fireflies'

To have one friend who stands in front of you pointing your mistake saving a life time misery is much better  than to have many friends who never had time to guide you through
©Umamaheswari Anandane

Happy friendship Day to all my friends!!

Tuesday, 2 August 2011


Magpie Picture Prompt
A tinge of yellow
rotating at high speed
shines brighter
to a full yellow circle
throu' the effect of
spinning blades
recalls resemblance
a bright ball of fire
spinning around
marking the Sun by
gravitational mass
Black holes ,do they
exist in the above both
the producer of wind
the generator of heat
without which my earth 
challenges to exist ?

This is me :
 To bring out the sparkling light of creativeness in you , 
 you got to burn the oil of time and space -  ©Umamaheswari Anandane
Redundant phrasing - Words, phrases, lines, stanzas, even, that are unnecessary according to me are :[ rotating ] at [high] [ speed], [The spinning] I repeated ,[by] gravitational [ mass] and between  [the producer of wind] and [the generator of heat]

I Love to Rhyme - Poetry Links Ups going on 

Feel free to submit your links either in the Linky widget or the comment section below 'I Love to Rhyme' link page .

Sunday, 31 July 2011

Exploring Poetry - Rhyming Love that's not my choice

Writing is the best way through which a person can express his thoughts and feelings .The pen /pencil is the paintbrush that the poets uses to create a illusion of objects or thoughts to create a beautiful art with words.Thus poetry is something precious to be shared either by speech or by writing like we do with arts. If you ever ask a kid about poetry, the little one either comes up with 

Twinkle .Twinlke little star
How I wonder what you are
"When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze."

Anything or Everything that Rhymes is a poetry for a kid (I used to rhyme poems for that effect).Without Rhyming, a poetry book is not fulfilled , IMP .Welcoming everyone who stumbles upon this post on  "Exploring Poetry " prompt "RHYMING"

How to write a Rhyming poetry :
  1. Choose the topic or idea about what you want to write and just write in a free pattern
  2. Arrange the lines in groups of 2 or 4 or 6 or 8  in even numbers
  3. Organize the sentences and words to form a meaningful line
  4. Add a tune or rhyme to the end of each sentence
  5. For rhyming words ,you can either choose dictionary at home or at online like Rhyming Zone
  6. Choose any Rhyming pattern and go with it all along the poem ( AAAA, ABAB, AABB,ABBA)
The below poem is written in the rhyme scheme (AABBBCC)

Love that's not my choice

Love was not my choice until I met you
My heart melted with the love you brew
Slowly hooked
Steadily captured
Steeply engraved
It spoiled my sleep at night
Made your wrong moves right

In Love, maths of one plus one is still one
Forgetting all ,drowning in love minding none
Complex dealings
Imaginary floatings
Under Real feelings
It secured a place in my heart tight
Taming me to a person so quite

Love , ah this potion is so strong
I confess that I cant hold it long
Eyes playful
Oh!Life lulls
Longs sedatives for this twinge
Yours unforgettable clinch

Love - a small but a strong word
Commonly used and always heard
Staring as it comes
Striking the heart drum
Electrifies through rhythm
The music mingles the breath forever
Staying with us and leaving never

Show me a person who never Loves
He is Heartless - maybe someone has stolen it from him
He can never find the truth 
Until he believes that he too can love
 ©Umamaheswari Anandane

If you have any poems that rhymes , link in

Stay Connected!

1. Umamaheswari Anandane  3. Rondels  
2. Tarang  4. Umesh Rao  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)