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Friday 7 January 2011

Fairy Tales in 160 characters

Fairy Tales 
All in 160 characters including spaces.Three well-known fairy tales The Snow White ,The Sleeping Beauty and The Beauty and the Beast in just 160 characters for you.Tried to end them in rhyming. Just read and tell me what you feel.You may appreciate or criticize me.They are all accepted - to make me a  better writer.


  1. That is a fun twist on the Sunday 160 - a Disney theme. Great 160. Thanks for playing. Be sure to leave a comment and the link to your site after my Sunday 160 goes up tonight at midnight Pacific Time.

  2. YEAH!, you win The Celebrate Poet of 2010 Award

    Happy Sunday!
    Come to our potluck tonight,

    Theme: Journey and the road ahead.

    lovely collection...

  3. I really enjoyed this fairytale journey...thank you for sharing.

  4. Way to challenge yourself with the 160! I like the Snow White one the best. :o)

    My potluck poem: Weirdo Warnings

  5. fairytales are the best friends of small children

  6. wow! what a summation uma- this is really surprising how these fairytales could be retold with such bare strokes!

  7. @all - Thanks
    @fiveloaf - that poet in us does all.Hope you too felt the same when writing poems

  8. cool sometimes less is more ...thank you for proving this x
