
Saturday 13 October 2012

Music as I have heard of Micheal Jackson - King of Pop

Music as I heard when I was young is forever the one I always cherish.This is true not only for me but most of you out there.Being born and brought up in India, Tamil songs always holds a special place in my heart and choosing a special one from the long list is hard .But when it comes to English songs ,I have a priority list .Who can deny that the great pop legend Micheal Jackson inspired me a lot through his music albums .

One thing I have to say about him is that most of the songs (apart from wooing girls) are related to a cause.I loved his Heal the World and Earth song which is necessary in today's scenario .I love They don't care about us (for the drums), Remember the time (wow,the animations ) and Billie Jeans(again for music).How would you engage yourself in is Ghost album? Freaky Creepy dance moves, isn't it .

Below is my amalgamation of most songs by this King of Pop

Who is it?
In the closet
Little Susie ...She's
Another part of me
from my Childhood

Give In to me
In the Break of the dawn
by the Lady in my life
Dirty diana
Now we are Just good friends
Remember the time
Her Scream
Her Cry
Threatened my Privacy
Oh Man, She drives me wild
Now,She is out of my life
I cant help it
But,as for my baby
Baby be mine
The girl is mine
Whatever happens
Can't let her get away

Who is it ?
I'm a Stranger in Moscow
Without Money
Street walker's
They don't care about us
We Come together
Back from History
Man in the mirror
Keep the faith
Wanna be starin'somethin'
at least for my Little Susie
I just cant stop loving you
Her Smile
The vision Blood on the dance floor
Left me Speechless
The Lost Children
Betrayed bySmooth criminals
Fly away

Oh! Heal the world
Black or White
Don't walk away
Come Together
Sing the Earth song
This Time around

Thursday 30 August 2012

Recipe for Cuppa of Coffee

A cup of coffee is all we need
The master of chemistry sniffs
the aroma that arises from within
a teaspoon of brown caffeine.
To make the bitter brown better,
another teaspoon of sugar adds in 
 Two contrasts appear in one cup.

The mixture yet needs to be blend
For two opposites to blend in perfect,
all we need is the love of white milk.
That evening,as I indulge in my brew
I swallowed what I call real life
that the recipe for a cuppa of coffee offered
Each piece of my home relates to
that one cup of life with blended Love
And whenever, I sniff the aroma ,I smile
Life is nothing but a recipe of cuppa of coffee

image credit :desktopnexus

Sunday 5 August 2012

The Death Of A Soul - Poetry cum Video

Ruptures left by molestation
cease to seal , her pale cut skin
She hides behind the framework
of her ripped bones
Like carpel of Seville orange,
she confines herself under the rind
A worm coiling herself safe
from the eyes that quest
She is in trauma impending
The death of her soul

Molestation everywhere,
on the road , on the way
for her looks and words she says
Her gleaming flesh , a child's play
Her tears now seemed passe
None to daunt or dare
the tauting mob that preys

Metamorphism at its last stage
The cocoon seemed heavy
She needed justice, not questions
She broke the shell one last time
and out more confident she came.
Her only weapon is her feminism
She chose to fight skepticism

This damsel in distress ,
anticipating solace, her only need then
whose saviours came after damage done
She still holds on, awaits her justice
for more colleens out there,
looking up to her conducts.
" The death of a Soul "
is just the beginning ....

She Chose To Fight
She Chose To Fly 

"This post has been published by me as a part of IBL; the Battle of Blogs, sponsored by Join us at our official website and facebook page.

Sunday 22 July 2012

Disney Princess -Shape poetry

The Story of Snow White and the seven dwarfs through Shape /Concrete poetry.

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Healthy Care , Wealthy Hair !


Healthy Care , Wealthy Hair !

Warning ! they gave straight 
Something was not right
Hands reach out to my hair
Itching and Scratching
To a point I can't bear

Beset , they tumbled
Hairfall happened
as I brush my hair with comb
Clutching its teeth, detached ones smirk
Making me jump with a jerk

Slowly dandruff erupts the surface
Like earthquake, scales flakes
Dryness has invaded my scalp
Initiating the itching back
Thinning my stems with split hairs
Making me more vulnerable to care
I have to restore its balance
Assembling things of Importance

Alternating Shampoos made problems worse
I had nothing to do but just curse
Leaving me in perplexed silence at last
Slowly reviving memories of the past

" Eat Greens, Carrot and Beans
And use lukewarm water to clean
Eat two Egg Yolks a day
Try the yellow on head some day
Use Hibiscus , Aloe Vera and Milk
They make your hair shine like silk
Apply oils everyday to moisture your hair
These routine makes your hair, a sure care"  
These voices sounded inside my head
The words that my Parents and Elders said .

A last try , I finally made
And realised the truth that stayed
Today I have crossed thirty plus
I have no complains nor do I fuss
Except for the silver threads that peeps about
Yearning to scream my age out
No dyes I use to color my hair truly
For I chose to Age Gracefully 

Hairs, still an important body part
Have their own unique age chart
Growing along with us, thick and thin
Protecting and Nourishing our skin
Sluggish when down and Shining as they grin
Hairs predicts our Health from within

I am pleased to write a poem
about an Healthy Care
that delivered me a Wealthy Hair
...and that was the end of my hair problems!

Men loves Women who takes pride in looking after themselves be it in the way they dress, their approach to a problem, being a solution provider and by the way she ties up her hair , clean and neat  .A little of primping and preening she does makes her hone her personality as well as boosts her self-esteem.

They always feel that there is a pleasure when their girl's hair brush their face invoking a soft love in them.May be that's why Men mostly prefers Women with long hair with a tangled or a cascaded look which adds to a women's femininity. Adorning them are the flowers and embellishments making Hairs , a symbol of beauty.Bridal Hair - makeup are an essential in every marriage existing from decades till now.Such importance is given to the Hairs .To have a beautiful hair is no secret now as we see lots of products and ads on the same that promises for a better hair.Even lots of natural hair remedies have been published .We need only one thing - Time to spend caring for the Hair.

In today's scenario of extreme climatic changes , pollutions and development of new diseases, Hair  do gets affected easily. Being the shield for our skin and scalp , they are the ones that are afflicted first.Sun, on the other hand damages our hairs so easily that it fades our hair colour, creating dry and brittle hairs with split ends that easily breaks of.So it is necessary to take care for our hair.The below are few things that have proved to be beneficial for hairs .

Using Shampoos with SPF
Hairs like our body soaks up some heat from the summer sun leading to dehydration.Extreme heat are vulnerable to the hair causing it to dry and making it brittle.So using products that has UVA and UVB filters will help protect hair from the sun’s harmful rays.A little SPF in shampoos would always be better to protect my hair.

Shield the Hair
We tend to use stylish sunglasses to protect our eyes from the UV rays and other harmful rays from the Sun.Similarly, our hairs on our head also needs to be covered from the hot sun.Wearing a big floppy hat when I am outside esp.on summer helps protect both my hair and my face. I always plait my hair into a bun or tangle them with a hair-band on harsh weathers to minimize the attack of my hair to half .

Apply ample Oil to the Hair
I have made this a weekly routine - a Grandma's home remedy .Applying Oils especially Coconut oils is proved to help growth of my hair since it nourishes the scalp from deep within.A simple massage with oil during head bath helps the circulation of blood throughout the head which in turn makes hair long and strong.It also protects the hair from dandruffs which occurs due to dry scalp.

Minimise Caffeine Intake and Say No to Alcohols.
Research has showed that persons who frequently drink caffeinated products or alcohols tend to have their hair aged soon.Caffeine consumed via food and beverages enters your bloodstream, and eventually reaches your hair follicles (as researched by Livestrong ).A little caffeine is beneficial for promoting hair growth but excessive intake of caffeinated products delivers our hair to age soon . Avoid Alcohols too since we have known of its side-effects already.

Maintain Moisture
Exposing the hair to Sun breaks down the hair's protein 'keratin' which is the building block of the hair.Using a deep conditioning treatment with protein or keratin helps keep the damage by the sun to a minimum.Vitamin E which encourages blood circulation to the scalp area when combined with a high quality leave in conditioner makes your hair silky soft, manageable and non greasy.Always use lukewarm water for your hair.

Maintain an Healthy Diet
Healthy diet is always a part of every Mom's menu.A lot of greens , fruits and vegetables helps restoring hair to good health.Salmon , Carrots, Nuts, Drumstick leaves, Eggs, Milk ,Fish , Broccoli and Spinach are best for initiating hair growth.Drinking more water helps hydrate both the body and hair thereby preventing it from dehydration.

Invest in a good hairstylist
Your hair is your entrance slip to a beautiful face.Hairs can be arranged to give a differet outlook using combs, a blow-dryer, gel, or any other hair products.Different styles include Bun, Bob cut , Cornrows, Crop, French braid, Pigtails, Ponytails and more.Never try shy to experiment your Hair with different looks or colors.

Know your Hair
In the market , there exists different types of medications and shampoos for different hair problems.Like a doctor prescribing a certain medicine to a particular problem , one should be hair aware to know which solution works best for his or her hair.Unless the right medicine is in place, even the best brands never give the desired results. Always stick to a routine, update your feel of the hair and stay hair aware.

I have been following the above steps as my hair care routine and thanks to the Hair -Aware app by Dove that made me understand my hair. I was made Hair aware and chose the product that works right for me followed by healthy diet .My Hair's choice was Dove Hair Fall Rescue .Today , I am very happy of the results achieved since there is  no more worries of hair falls or dandruff .... and that was the end of my hair problems!

In a Nutshell
Click the Image for Bigger Picture

From Tangled to Brave
For their Hair, I'm a slave
Blonde or Brunette
Hairs portray a vignette
Some time Short, Some time Long
Hairs dance to the breeze song
Some time Straight, Some time curly 
They sure make me feel Girly 

The above post is my entry to " ....and that was the end of my Hair Problems " in response to Dove hair-aware app  by Indiblogger .Wish me luck for the Contest through my entry post here :)

THIS POST IS THE WINNER OF THE CONTEST  " ....and that was the end of my Hair Problems "

Saturday 23 June 2012

The Library

The Light grew brighter
making them appear glossyflossy
The morning has woke them fresh

Books were arranged on their rackcot ,
Seamlessly beautiful .
They stay clinging together
finding peace with their same flesh
until the tentacles clutched them in between.
The door has opened  .
Bookworms came in and out
Picking and Embedding them back
Few tossing them around , flipzflap
Here , There and Somewhere 
Up O'down they swing 
between hands, laps ,wood and leathers  
Till their owner find a comfortable place.

The room was getting tanned
It was time for them to relax
The tentacles finally released them
Shoving them as they departed ...

One book had a story of 
how he felt the breathbreez
and the other shared of  how he met
 the drizzles with words through and this
The third said of thunder storm,
Being crushed between the little fingers.
The Fourth came to them half torn.
And few parted to a new home.

The Time has come to an halt
Books were again back in place
On their Rackcot for rest-time
Seamlessly arranged ...

The above poem is the product of "Neologism" which is defined as a newly coined term, word, or phrase, that may be in the process of entering common use, but has not yet been accepted into mainstream language.

If you love poems about Books, then you must also read "My Best Friend"

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Puddles - a painted poem

The above picture prompt from The Mag and using prompts from Poets United 
Jagged/Smooth  & Lack /Abundance . 

As translated from the Tamil poem I wrote above for the same 

On the jagged path of my eyes
like an eyelash you crossed
making smooth foot prints
to build up deep Puddles

On the surroundings that lack life
I see inside my eyes ,
Abundance of growth...
Are they the product of the tears you sowed ?

Is it true that  "A failure is the stepping stone for success " ? Whatever your answer maybe , it is only you who holds the determination to make the Vice-Versa - Failure to Success 

Sunday 10 June 2012

I like getting dirty again - poem for real souls :)

Books, papers and Magazines
In and out
and all about

Stuffed into head
Painted eyes red

She hungs on the door knob
the mask she wore
No more I want to look
pretended or
act smart

I have had my share of small fame
so lame , it went and came

I smile when someone barks
I stay calm as life gets dark

just a day

I am what I am
messed up
freaked out , no doubt
to show my true self out

I like getting dirty
It made me free
It's me
the real she
for tomorrow again
I need my mask to hide away the stains

~ ~ ~

Sunday 20 May 2012

Newspaper Poem

Newspaper Poems : I found this to be an interesting and innovative way of creating poems. A Newspaper is bound to have vast topics and selective words.And to write a poem out of it, you have limited access to words and also are exposed to new words that might find interesting places in your poem.You don't even know how your poem is going to turn out.And the final outcome of you poem really surprises you .

Inspired by Poet Austin Kleon who invented this form of poetry  using newspaper articles from the New York .He used the New York Times as an unique canvases for creating his verse which led him to be a famous Newspaper blackout poems ( this is where he used to strike the rest of the words with his black pen that don't form the poem).This is very unique that ,we have no options to interchange the words (I will post the same later in this blog).The below is what I did to make out a Newspaper Poem

  1. Take a Newspaper and circle down the words which sounds interesting to you on it.
  1. My Newspaper 
  2. Now , cut the circled words from the newspaper and keep aside.
  3. Then, carefully arrange them into neat sentences 
  4. Now, your are ready to make your own Haiku or Rhyming patterns or even any other form of poetry
  5. Finally take your camera and click your the picture of your poem
  6. The Output

This is what I came up with surprised me though ;)

Children , I  find likes to play with puzzling around the paper and this type of poetry arrangement or say game will expose kids to poem and new words.The newspaper acts as a scaffold and Children with can the words  directly in their poem. They would find this technique worth exploring including those who want to explore poetry forms ...Yay! I enjoyed it really :)

Sunday 13 May 2012

Happy Mothers Day !


The Original

Saturday 12 May 2012

Wild Imaginations !

I wanna live inside a Tree, Mommy
Please do tell me how to build one
Oh!are you talking about Tree house,Honey
We can find them on the wild forest , my son
This was my Mommy's  answer
but I seeked something better

No Mommy, I am talking the real one
See, a real house inside a tree, 
Oh!how wonderful it would be
To have a house deep down the tree
The other side of the world I would see
And learn about the wonders created around me
I started to sing and strolled around my garden
With my wandering mind and my mouth organ

I wonder where do the rabbits hunts
and finds their sweet orange carrots
I want to explore the marvellous merits
that made the seeds grow with strong fronts
I have also read about the pirates living in the sea
hunting for treasures in lands and in trees
If the insects and birds can make home on trees
Why cannot I build one just  for me

As I sang , suddenly my head started to spin
And I saw what I could never imagine
I saw tall magnificent door on a tree 
I pushed myself in and led myself free
I slided down by some strange stairs
And deep deep down ,I flew on air
Monsters snore, I guess they are asleep
I ran , I ain't no dinner they would keep
As I crossed them, a  weird pathway evolved 
which had the snakes and ladders riddles to solve 
That's my luck , I finally passed my test of strife 
which lead me to the weirdest thing of my life
In front of me, stood a beautiful house
where I was sleeping tugging my blanket close
I slowly went near and touched my head
And that's the last thing that I had did

I awoke from a wild wild dream I ever had
That made my  imaginations to thread
Oh! How I wish again to see inside of the Tree
Stroke my imaginations wild , Break me Free!

-for Poetic Pub on dversepoet "Wild Things  or Children's Wild Imaginations".

Friday 4 May 2012

I Love my Kids - Concrete or Shape Poems

After a long time, I tried again a shape poem using MS.Word.I already have done few concrete poems of Rose , Sun, Heart, Eyes and Cars which you can browse from the labels on the right hand side.Now I wanted to try an Human form.You never know how happy I was when the actual words turned out into a beautiful painting .I love the shadow that appeared to look like a child's.The combination of the right words and the arrangement did the trick.

-for theme Thursday "Family" 

Please leave your footprints on what you think of the above Shape poem.
I'm happy to trail you back :)

Sunday 29 April 2012

Double-dactyls - Little Tommy Tucker

A New week and a New form. Along with the picture prompt from Magpie ,I am clubbing today's NaPoWriMo about writing a poem using Clerihew or Double Dactyl form.I also learned how to write one from NaPoWriMo's .I choose to experiment with the later since it was the one I have to work on with this time.

What is Double Dactyl?
  • A double dactyl consists of two four-line stanzas  which are brief, usually satirical poems.
  • The first through third lines of each stanza must be six syllables, in the form of double dactyls (Stressed syllable followed by two unstressed syllables).
  • The fourth line of each stanza is only four syllables long, with no particular meter requirements but it is essential that the fourth lines of each stanza should rhyme.
  • Finally, the first line of the first stanza is usually “Higgledy-piggledy” or some other repeating non-sense, like “Pat-a-cake, Pat-a-cake.” (Note that both “higgledy-piggledy” and “pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake” are in the double dactyl form )
  •  One of the lines should consist of a single, six-syllable, double-dactyllic word (like “idiosyncrasy”).
Prompt Picture with Double - dactyls

Little Tommy Tucker
was in the jam bottle
under the magic spell 
of his white Book

he grew inside bottle
still finding solution
to seek and to Unhook 

I tried a hand to write a double- dactyls  which I believe to an extent satisfies the above rules expect the meters in it.On a final note , I enjoyed writing this one :)

You may like to read 

Friday 27 April 2012

Haiku Today - Clarity

Clarity of words
Abates the power of Silence 

 Thrifty Prototype
Embraced this young body
To Preserve Mankind

I would like to share this post about "Free Energy Resources " that is abundant in the Universe.You might like reading that there are many interesting things going on around us.Why such a pain killing ourselves under the hot sun without electricity.We have it 24 x7 days around us.We just need some actions to pack them in a rightful way - for Awareness 

- for Haiku prompt"Clarity"
-for Magpie prompt - Image

Thursday 26 April 2012

Wonder,Wonderful,Wondered ...

Such a wonderful nature!!!

Wondered I!
How the patience filled her face
under the storm of wrath .
She has learned the secret
of who she was....
I wonder why?
Such beings still exists
Admist the crumpled world.
She smiled as if she read my mind
Her eyes...
Oh My, had such a power
That she, without a word spoken
told me
It's no wonder
the way she is now, Tamed.
The oldest observer
has learned Life
The way it should be
She gave her warmth and love
which reflected back to her
Give and Get is the policy!
for a wonderful Life

Life is so wonderful!! 
Never regret being born for you will never know what exactly is called a Life : )
Temptations unknown
Infilters my thoughts to probe
An Experience 

-for Poets United - "Wonder"
-for Haiku theme "Temptation"

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Life as it goes...

You and Me
Chosen among Lot
Kismet sealed

Showered Life through Birth 
To Nourish and complete us
Through Kismet , Our Child  

Well, from the above two Haiku's (former 3-5-3 and latter 5-7-5 ) you can clearly see that I supported Kismet aka Destiny for I believe in Rebirth , Love and Positive thinking/energy .My belief is not something I do it for an excuse or as an escape but to accept Life as it goes .

Destiny is like the Rain 
Hard work & Patience are similar to an Umbrella 

Saturday 21 April 2012

Haiku , Haynaku and Life - The threesome

I find writing poems using different poetry forms are fun and sometimes challenging.You can very see me doing this act on my blog .Today at NaPoWriMo , I came across a new poetry form called as "hay(na)ku", a verse form similar to haiku officially inaugurated on the Web on June 12th, 2003 on Philippine Independence Day by Eileen Tabios.And the result is here below ,

What is Hay(na)ku ?
  • The traditional form of Hay(na)ku is a tercet : 3 lines consisting of six(6) words in total in the order of (1-2-3) [1 in the first line, 2 in the second line, and  3 in the third line].
  • There is no restriction on syllables or stressed or rhymes.
There are some variations to the above forms such as in the 'reverse' haynaku, the longest line is placed first and the shortest last like 3-2-1 form .Multiple hay(na)ku can be chained to form a longer poem.

So with the prompt from Haiku-Heights "Still", I tried writing a Haiku and a multiple Haynaku :)

HAIKU :(5-7-5)

Endeavour thyself
To perceive the game called Life
I still fail to thee


Cycles of birth
Countess times

I still wait
To Perceive

Each Birth Saw
Boundless Hearts

Trial and error
With Thoughts

I found
The Only Answer

On the Corner : 
Is this we call that "Our Life is in our Hands?"

Pic shared from FaceBook
Drop in your comments and wish all a Great Earth Day 2012 , April 22
Keeping spreading the Love :)

Sunday 15 April 2012

Interpreting Red Roofs, Marc Chagall, 1954 paintings

Red Roofs, Marc Chagall, 1954

'Oh! my world
is drenched in red'
cried the tall man 

From his sheer cry
and trembling body 
I understood that he owns the place
He said he created it 

'Can't you see the pain bestowed'
he called for his wife ,the mighty sun
'Look at our children '
he cried again.

She had already warned them
Many times.....

Then in a flash , he gazed at me 
with his eyebrows curled in question

The bouquet in my hand
and my broken heart
must have answered him

Like him , I too have come 
in search of My World
My Love...

Sunday 1 April 2012

Myriad of Fears

I hold in me
Myriad of fears
inside this hollow mirth
covered with luscious meat.
The results of my judgement
and the nails on my path
erupts the volcano of fear
trying to wash my shielded nest away came down slowly
pitter pattering with your tiny feet
as if you found
the reason of my fear

You touched
You smiled

I meekly looked upon your face
filled with Love and Hope

I recalled the phrase,
" Remove your shoes
to land yourselves in the owner's place
to understand his own pain"

Now, I removed my fear and
landed my whole-self in your Love
and your faith in me

Is this what I call Miracle ?
You have completely changed my destiny
and evoked my faith

Whatever the future withholds for me
I understood that only Hope keeps all moving on


NaPoWriMo2012(Day 1),Theme Thursday (Hope) and Magpie Tales

Saturday 21 January 2012

Crossing Borders!

Borders !
a line that differentiates
Looks in and out
Thoughts that varies
Attitude that perceives

Needs Courage
to accept any situation
That mind....
that's flexible to other's words
A body ,
that accustoms to the new taste
Of Vibrant Life

I Mould ...
Crossing Borders!

A True experience that helped me realize "Crossing Borders"

  © Umamaheswari Anandane

Friday 13 January 2012

Happy Pongal ! பொங்கல் நல்வாழ்த்துகள்!

தை பொங்கல் .
இனிதே தொடரடும்,
வாழ்கை என்னும் கால்கள் .....

Dust !Clean!Wash !
the home bright
"Bogi"-burns the past
and getting ready to accept the New

Harvest !
the result of sweat.
Every home thank the rising sun
-a new day
-a fresh life
it's farmer's festival
a reason to celebrate
for the land which yielded food

A celebration followed by another
"Mattu Pongal"
for the animals which plough the field
have a day in their life
rejoicing it's limelight
for the hard work it did
the rest of the other days

"Kannum Pongal"
the blessings of elders
gifting prosperous future
to their younger generation
and an income that finds its way
to the mini cash store

Be blessed with Good Homes,Good Food and Enough Money!

Happy Pongal!
பொங்கல் நல்வாழ்த்துகள் .....பொங்கலோ பொங்கல்