
Sunday 29 April 2012

Double-dactyls - Little Tommy Tucker

A New week and a New form. Along with the picture prompt from Magpie ,I am clubbing today's NaPoWriMo about writing a poem using Clerihew or Double Dactyl form.I also learned how to write one from NaPoWriMo's .I choose to experiment with the later since it was the one I have to work on with this time.

What is Double Dactyl?
  • A double dactyl consists of two four-line stanzas  which are brief, usually satirical poems.
  • The first through third lines of each stanza must be six syllables, in the form of double dactyls (Stressed syllable followed by two unstressed syllables).
  • The fourth line of each stanza is only four syllables long, with no particular meter requirements but it is essential that the fourth lines of each stanza should rhyme.
  • Finally, the first line of the first stanza is usually “Higgledy-piggledy” or some other repeating non-sense, like “Pat-a-cake, Pat-a-cake.” (Note that both “higgledy-piggledy” and “pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake” are in the double dactyl form )
  •  One of the lines should consist of a single, six-syllable, double-dactyllic word (like “idiosyncrasy”).
Prompt Picture with Double - dactyls

Little Tommy Tucker
was in the jam bottle
under the magic spell 
of his white Book

he grew inside bottle
still finding solution
to seek and to Unhook 

I tried a hand to write a double- dactyls  which I believe to an extent satisfies the above rules expect the meters in it.On a final note , I enjoyed writing this one :)

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