
Thursday 26 April 2012

Wonder,Wonderful,Wondered ...

Such a wonderful nature!!!

Wondered I!
How the patience filled her face
under the storm of wrath .
She has learned the secret
of who she was....
I wonder why?
Such beings still exists
Admist the crumpled world.
She smiled as if she read my mind
Her eyes...
Oh My, had such a power
That she, without a word spoken
told me
It's no wonder
the way she is now, Tamed.
The oldest observer
has learned Life
The way it should be
She gave her warmth and love
which reflected back to her
Give and Get is the policy!
for a wonderful Life

Life is so wonderful!! 
Never regret being born for you will never know what exactly is called a Life : )
Temptations unknown
Infilters my thoughts to probe
An Experience 

-for Poets United - "Wonder"
-for Haiku theme "Temptation"


  1. there is much about which to wonder... you've touched on but a few.

  2. The world is full of wonders, just waiting to be found. A lovely poem!

  3. WonderFUL! I really enjoyed your take on the prompt! A life lived in wonder n' joy is truly a gift!
    Well Done~

  4. You are so right - this is what temptations are. Thank you.

  5. excellent contemplative haiku ~ ^_^ ~ Awesome photo!

  6. I like the haiku very much. And your poem is WONDERful.

  7. @Kim - Thanks !.Yeah there are so much wonders in our Life and I cherish the wonder of being born as Human Beings :)
    @all - Thanks for the liking and comments :)

  8. Awesome poem Wonderful, nicely written. I love your haiku, very nice and unique in his/her words.

  9. Welcome back Uma to Haiku Heights....a lovely post this!!!

  10. Beautiful is a small word but I hope you understand its depth :)
    Good job
