
Saturday 21 April 2012

Haiku , Haynaku and Life - The threesome

I find writing poems using different poetry forms are fun and sometimes challenging.You can very see me doing this act on my blog .Today at NaPoWriMo , I came across a new poetry form called as "hay(na)ku", a verse form similar to haiku officially inaugurated on the Web on June 12th, 2003 on Philippine Independence Day by Eileen Tabios.And the result is here below ,

What is Hay(na)ku ?
  • The traditional form of Hay(na)ku is a tercet : 3 lines consisting of six(6) words in total in the order of (1-2-3) [1 in the first line, 2 in the second line, and  3 in the third line].
  • There is no restriction on syllables or stressed or rhymes.
There are some variations to the above forms such as in the 'reverse' haynaku, the longest line is placed first and the shortest last like 3-2-1 form .Multiple hay(na)ku can be chained to form a longer poem.

So with the prompt from Haiku-Heights "Still", I tried writing a Haiku and a multiple Haynaku :)

HAIKU :(5-7-5)

Endeavour thyself
To perceive the game called Life
I still fail to thee


Cycles of birth
Countess times

I still wait
To Perceive

Each Birth Saw
Boundless Hearts

Trial and error
With Thoughts

I found
The Only Answer

On the Corner : 
Is this we call that "Our Life is in our Hands?"

Pic shared from FaceBook
Drop in your comments and wish all a Great Earth Day 2012 , April 22
Keeping spreading the Love :)


  1. lovely contemplative haiku ~thanks, namaste, ^_^

  2. Lovely. I love that Haynaku style thx.

  3. you found answers in love? i found only questions!!

    wealth of laughter senryu

  4. Wow thanks! Now I can practice the Haynaku style. Will probably take me a while to get comfortable with it. I just usually put my pencil or pen to paper and write. I need to learn so many other styles. Thanks! Be blessed.
