
Sunday 29 April 2012

Double-dactyls - Little Tommy Tucker

A New week and a New form. Along with the picture prompt from Magpie ,I am clubbing today's NaPoWriMo about writing a poem using Clerihew or Double Dactyl form.I also learned how to write one from NaPoWriMo's .I choose to experiment with the later since it was the one I have to work on with this time.

What is Double Dactyl?
  • A double dactyl consists of two four-line stanzas  which are brief, usually satirical poems.
  • The first through third lines of each stanza must be six syllables, in the form of double dactyls (Stressed syllable followed by two unstressed syllables).
  • The fourth line of each stanza is only four syllables long, with no particular meter requirements but it is essential that the fourth lines of each stanza should rhyme.
  • Finally, the first line of the first stanza is usually “Higgledy-piggledy” or some other repeating non-sense, like “Pat-a-cake, Pat-a-cake.” (Note that both “higgledy-piggledy” and “pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake” are in the double dactyl form )
  •  One of the lines should consist of a single, six-syllable, double-dactyllic word (like “idiosyncrasy”).
Prompt Picture with Double - dactyls

Little Tommy Tucker
was in the jam bottle
under the magic spell 
of his white Book

he grew inside bottle
still finding solution
to seek and to Unhook 

I tried a hand to write a double- dactyls  which I believe to an extent satisfies the above rules expect the meters in it.On a final note , I enjoyed writing this one :)

You may like to read 

Friday 27 April 2012

Haiku Today - Clarity

Clarity of words
Abates the power of Silence 

 Thrifty Prototype
Embraced this young body
To Preserve Mankind

I would like to share this post about "Free Energy Resources " that is abundant in the Universe.You might like reading that there are many interesting things going on around us.Why such a pain killing ourselves under the hot sun without electricity.We have it 24 x7 days around us.We just need some actions to pack them in a rightful way - for Awareness 

- for Haiku prompt"Clarity"
-for Magpie prompt - Image

Thursday 26 April 2012

Wonder,Wonderful,Wondered ...

Such a wonderful nature!!!

Wondered I!
How the patience filled her face
under the storm of wrath .
She has learned the secret
of who she was....
I wonder why?
Such beings still exists
Admist the crumpled world.
She smiled as if she read my mind
Her eyes...
Oh My, had such a power
That she, without a word spoken
told me
It's no wonder
the way she is now, Tamed.
The oldest observer
has learned Life
The way it should be
She gave her warmth and love
which reflected back to her
Give and Get is the policy!
for a wonderful Life

Life is so wonderful!! 
Never regret being born for you will never know what exactly is called a Life : )
Temptations unknown
Infilters my thoughts to probe
An Experience 

-for Poets United - "Wonder"
-for Haiku theme "Temptation"

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Life as it goes...

You and Me
Chosen among Lot
Kismet sealed

Showered Life through Birth 
To Nourish and complete us
Through Kismet , Our Child  

Well, from the above two Haiku's (former 3-5-3 and latter 5-7-5 ) you can clearly see that I supported Kismet aka Destiny for I believe in Rebirth , Love and Positive thinking/energy .My belief is not something I do it for an excuse or as an escape but to accept Life as it goes .

Destiny is like the Rain 
Hard work & Patience are similar to an Umbrella 

Saturday 21 April 2012

Haiku , Haynaku and Life - The threesome

I find writing poems using different poetry forms are fun and sometimes challenging.You can very see me doing this act on my blog .Today at NaPoWriMo , I came across a new poetry form called as "hay(na)ku", a verse form similar to haiku officially inaugurated on the Web on June 12th, 2003 on Philippine Independence Day by Eileen Tabios.And the result is here below ,

What is Hay(na)ku ?
  • The traditional form of Hay(na)ku is a tercet : 3 lines consisting of six(6) words in total in the order of (1-2-3) [1 in the first line, 2 in the second line, and  3 in the third line].
  • There is no restriction on syllables or stressed or rhymes.
There are some variations to the above forms such as in the 'reverse' haynaku, the longest line is placed first and the shortest last like 3-2-1 form .Multiple hay(na)ku can be chained to form a longer poem.

So with the prompt from Haiku-Heights "Still", I tried writing a Haiku and a multiple Haynaku :)

HAIKU :(5-7-5)

Endeavour thyself
To perceive the game called Life
I still fail to thee


Cycles of birth
Countess times

I still wait
To Perceive

Each Birth Saw
Boundless Hearts

Trial and error
With Thoughts

I found
The Only Answer

On the Corner : 
Is this we call that "Our Life is in our Hands?"

Pic shared from FaceBook
Drop in your comments and wish all a Great Earth Day 2012 , April 22
Keeping spreading the Love :)

Sunday 15 April 2012

Interpreting Red Roofs, Marc Chagall, 1954 paintings

Red Roofs, Marc Chagall, 1954

'Oh! my world
is drenched in red'
cried the tall man 

From his sheer cry
and trembling body 
I understood that he owns the place
He said he created it 

'Can't you see the pain bestowed'
he called for his wife ,the mighty sun
'Look at our children '
he cried again.

She had already warned them
Many times.....

Then in a flash , he gazed at me 
with his eyebrows curled in question

The bouquet in my hand
and my broken heart
must have answered him

Like him , I too have come 
in search of My World
My Love...

Sunday 1 April 2012

Myriad of Fears

I hold in me
Myriad of fears
inside this hollow mirth
covered with luscious meat.
The results of my judgement
and the nails on my path
erupts the volcano of fear
trying to wash my shielded nest away came down slowly
pitter pattering with your tiny feet
as if you found
the reason of my fear

You touched
You smiled

I meekly looked upon your face
filled with Love and Hope

I recalled the phrase,
" Remove your shoes
to land yourselves in the owner's place
to understand his own pain"

Now, I removed my fear and
landed my whole-self in your Love
and your faith in me

Is this what I call Miracle ?
You have completely changed my destiny
and evoked my faith

Whatever the future withholds for me
I understood that only Hope keeps all moving on


NaPoWriMo2012(Day 1),Theme Thursday (Hope) and Magpie Tales