
Wednesday 20 October 2010


A Letter to my Dearest,

I know you for more than 40 years long .
I was astonished by the way you faced your struggles in life strong
I could recollect of how you tackled the facts with your courage
Moving about helplessly but still made plans to manage

No man is sacrificed of me on his journey
For all, was sent here to pay back for their destiny
Now you are  weak, I know that I made you so
I was playing my part in your life's book recto-verso

Slowly I started admiring you and I wished to stay with you forever
But since I am in love with you I wanted you to stay happy ever
So I have taken an important decision in my life.
And that is,I am moving out relieving you of your life's strife.

Although in life there is no fast forward or rewind
I was tempted to leave my reflections behind
Not to make you remember your struggles on your way
But for you to know that I once existed on your pathway

Sorrows in life


  1. ah- nicely done....sorrows leaving. Lovely idea!

  2. I love it when sorrows pack up and go :)

  3. This seems a very sad poem to me, if I am interpretting it correctly. I think about the last stanza, about existing on someone's pathway and then moving on.....well, I don't know the circumstances, but it is a very good, sad, and heartfelt poem to me.

  4. @all Thanks for commenting
    @Mary..yes,its a sad a poem.But the good thing is that the sorrow leaves at last seeing how courages he/she is facing life.
    The moral being,all humans are not spared of sorrows but instead of being depressed,let them face them with courage for "COURAGE is the ONLY HOPE".

  5. Beautiful letter leading to the parting of ways with ones sorrows, packing up and leaving it behind.

  6. But for you to know that I once existed on your pathway.

    that is very important.

  7. A heartfelt poem of courage - after the reflection, the looking at reality and moving on.

  8. Beautiful ..and the music on the background..pleasure to visit your blog ...

  9. Nice work. Sorrows gone, we all hope for that.

  10. @all..Thanks ..imagine if only sorrows leave us ever like is indeed a heaven to live in

  11. romantic or uplifting message,
    beautiful job!

  12. Happy Rally.
    Welcome in any time...
    Simply let me know.
    your work is cool.

  13. Mind- blowing My Dear Uma.. :D
    Your WP is a protected one??
    This one made me think and think- could this be also a helpless lover- someone who couldn't work anything out for the other one- and now leaving quietly?
    Helpppp.. why do I have to always try to look beyond.. Even if it is only sorrows trying to part, it's sad- really losing!!

    Very well written Uma.. xoxox

  14. @all Thanks again for your comments
    @Jingle ..sure I will let you now when finished
    @Olivia..yes,My WP is now private,working on it still and will let you know when I am done.

  15. very touching parting lines. do visit my blog too

  16. I really like how you put it in the form of a letter and at first I wondered who she was...then who he was and then at the job.

  17. I wonder, Uma, if "Courage is the Only Hope"
    as you said above. When a woman leaves a man,
    the man is usually not feeling very hopeful.
    But in this case, you encouraged him to go on
    and live out his own life. Thus, you were kind
    enough to try and make him feel hopeful about
    the future. Doubts can get the best of us, so
    I see confidence as being the vehicle which
    brings hope within our reach. Hope is hope
    in essence, and no one can take it away from
    you...unless you let them. I wish that man luck.
    I doubt he will ever forget you.

    Nice write up, Uma! Very personal, too.
    Peace, Uncle Tree

  18. @all...Thanks all
    I think you did not read the last line friend.Its the 'sorrows in life' writing a letter to him/her.Its the reflection of the deep sorrows telling him goodbye.

  19. This is so sad but strong. But couldn't there be a way, with love, to stay?

  20. this is beautiful..And the background song "kiss the rain"
    It's my first time visting your blog but I think I'll visit often,
    keep writing! I'd like to read more .. :) xo

  21. Gorgeous; beautiful depiction of departure, and that sorrow can be personified to have feelings too! I love how you've tweaked the take on sadness in life. Great job.

  22. "Not to make you remember your struggles on your way
    But for you to know that I once existed on your pathway"

    I love the conclusion. :]

    If you're interested here's my entry: Panda Wolf - Hey Rain, how are you feeling?

  23. a beautiful write...once a part of my path and thus to always be remembered...nicely done magpie!

  24. beautifully written.Coated in sadness though. Makes me ponder if leaving was his wish too and not just a thought in the writers heart? We all think too much,,,,
    Love the way you express what you feel!
    Will come back,,promise.

  25. Beautiful. Just beautiful.Love and Light, Sender

  26. A lovely poem Uma. Just loved it. Keep writing.


  27. Excellent. Glad no reflections were left behind!
