
Friday 22 April 2011

The Whispering Dewdrops - Tamil Language (T) and Shakespearean

NaPoWriMo's  Cento challenge :It is a poetic form made up of lines from poems by other poets.

For the above prompt I am going to choose randomly 7 different sonnets from Shakespeare sonnets and then assemble them into a new sonnet .The beauty of this poem is that this poem will have the real Shakespearean touch to it and will be written by me.

Shakespeare Sonnets Chosen: 15,19,50,60, 65,75,100

Cento of Shakespearean 
When I consider every thing that grows
Stirred by a painted beauty to his verse,
That this huge stage presenteth nought but shows
And every fair with his fair doth rehearse,
Plods dully on, to bear that weight in me,
Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore,
His rider lov'd not speed being made from thee.
Each changing place with that which goes before,
So are you to my thoughts as food to life,
Join with the spite of fortune, make me bow,
And for the peace of you I hold such strife
Ah! do not, when my heart hath 'scaped this sorrow,
    Give my love fame faster than Time wastes life,
    So thou prevent'st his scythe and crooked knife  

A to Z Challenge :"T" -TAMIL LANGUAGE

Tamil Language is proud  to be taken place under "Classical Language " known as "Semmozhi".Only 6 languages is classified as Classical Languages in world. ' TAMIL , CHINESE, LATIN, GREEK, HEBREW & SANSKRIT. 

Facts of Tamil Language:
  1. One of the most notable literary and ethical treatises in the Indian languages, Thirukkural, is written by Thiruvalluvar. There is a general consensus among the historians and literary authorities that Thirukkural was written around 2000 years ago.
  2. Dr. Albert Schweitzer, Nobel Laureate, notes that, “There hardly exists in the literature of the world a collection of maxims in which we find such lofty wisdom as in Thirukkural”
  3. Dr. G. U. Pope, a Christian Missionary and Translator of Thirukkural in English writes, “The Kural is an integral painting of a civilization which is harmonious in itself and which possesses a clearly recognizable unity."
  4. India’s father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi, notes, “I wanted to learn Tamil, only to enable me to study Valluvar’s Thirukkural through his mother tongue itself…. It is a treasure of wisdom…”
Maths andTamil Language
Even the minutest of fractions have a place in ‘Tamil’ language. Some interesting examples include the term immi referred to the fraction of 1/320 x 1/7, one-seventh of this fraction termed as anu, one-eleventh of an anu as mummi and one ninth of amummi as kuNam.

On Why Tamil is a Classical Language:
University of California, Berkeley, holds a ‘Tamil’ Conference annually. Its Chair in Tamil Studies, Prof. George L. Hart, writes, “To qualify as a classical tradition, a language must fit several criteria: it should be ancient, it should be an independent tradition that arose mostly on its own and not as an offshoot of another tradition, and it must have a large and extremely rich body of ancient literature. Unlike the other modern languages of India, Tamil meets each of these requirements. It is extremely old (as old as Latin and older than Arabic); it arose as an entirely independent tradition, with almost no influence from Sanskrit or other languages; and its ancient literature is indescribably vast and rich.”

Tamil Mozhi became SemMozhi 
The classical language of the world
With eighteen consonants and twelve vowels
And one character,the aeidham being neutral 
She has total alphabets of
Two hundered and fourthy seven
With the combination of uyirmeyyezhuttu
Regared asthe oldest language in India
Dating back to 2000 years ago
with the  greatest saints writing
Thokapiyam  and Thirukkural 
The rich ancient literatures
Tamil Mozhi is indeed Semmozhi

Music to my ears
Sounds ancient rich literature 
Tamil Language

The bold letters are the haiku followed by a free write.

The Whispering Dewdrops :NaPoWriMo and A to Z challenge


  1. That is so interesting! I love learning more about languages. (Almost as much as I enjoy learning the languages themselves.)


  2. you are so knowledgeable.
    fantastic intro on the Tamil Language.

  3. Thanks for sharing info on Tamil. I knew nothing of this language until I came upon this entry. Language is a science unto itself, and to better understand its roots is to better appreciate it. Impressive.

  4. Nice information about
    Tamil language
    ....I like this....good

  5. It's more than a about the Sonnet? I, too write sonnets and had written a I was smiling that I found someone like you whose into sonnet too! Very nice one Uma...:)

    I learned a lot today right from your post...Tamil as a classic language? But why can't I translate it into English thru google translate?

    I hope google can read me so there would be translation of Tamil to English and vice versa...:)

    I have Tamil speaking blog friends and I have learnt some few words...

    "Naan unne kaaddelikiren"? yey...did my memory serves me right? Ha ha ha...I guess I failed...:P

  6. Very interesting post. Never knew this though have many Tamil friends.


  7. Best of my friends have been from Chennai.. but then I never knew anything about the language...we conversed in Hindi and English.. so loved to know something new and valuable today.. Thanks Uma..

  8. Thank you for teaching me much !

    Please have a good new week.

    daily athens

  9. Interesting. Thanks for connecting this post to OSI.

  10. Tamil language is a rich and oldest dravidian language. Tamil letters have rules for pronounce and write. The Tamil alphabet is is thought to have evolved from the Brahmi script, though some scholars believe that its origins go back to the Indus script. The alphabet is well suited to writing literary Tamil, centamil.
