
Sunday 6 March 2011

Inside My Poem Book : Who-What-When-Where-Why Poem (or) 5W Poem

What is a poetry? If some one asks me this question, I have two answers with me.The former being Poetry is an ART where we paint the pictures with our words and the latter is Poetry is my self-expression.  Here I mean self -expression because I try to relate (fantasize ) myself with the characters I write taking into account all aspects of life 

Exploring Poetry is the one I started to explore poetry in general and  share what I explored about it with my poem.This is the week 9 of my exploring journey.It is more or less like TREKKING.Say, a poetry trekking....few joined me in my trekking in the past making my experience an enjoyable one...and I am still awaiting more to join me in..

This week : Who-What-When-Where-Why Poem (W-W-W-W-W Poem or 5W Poem)

How to write one Who -What-When-Where-Why Poem /5W Poem 
  1. They are five lines long poem. 
  2. It should tell a story or give a strong picture of someone or something.  
  3. Each line should answer on of the “W” questions in the order listed Who-What-When- Where-Why.  
  4. When you read the poem, it should sound like a two sentences put together.
Struggle (5W Poem)
WHO - Brave woman ,She was
WHAT - Balanced her life with her children
WHEN - During their growing days
WHERE - In the home of the care
WHY - Teaching other womens to cope cancer

Womens We Are ! written in 5W form of poetry
A Woman , one in hundred
Made few hearts to listen through her struggle
During her lifetime
By Writing and in Speaking
For her Voice to be heard
Celebrate International Women's Day !!!


One woman who is my Idol, Role Model and Mentor ( 5W Poem) :
My Mother
Made me a dignified woman
Imprinting her foot at every stage of my life
Safe-guarding my journey
For the unconditional love she had for me

One Man who is my Idol, Role Model and Mentor ( 5W Poem) :
My Dad
Of whom I was blessed with best education
Right from my childhood days
Teaching Life as I grew
To face my world with confidence

Now , it' s your turn to whomever reading this post .Encouraging you all to write in different forms ( know more forms )  and then link them here below in Mr.Linky :-


  1. Hi all,
    Welcome to Exploring Poetry!
    Write , Click your poems and Enjoy!
    Thanks for your support :)
    c u

  2. A woman, a poet
    Wrote wonderful poems
    Any time she wishes
    Posted all over here
    To share her heart.

  3. Interesting 5W Poems... Yeah, its International Women Day today... Happy Day to you!!! :)

  4. That was a brilliant post Uma. Happy women's day in advance for tomorrow.

  5. @bendedspoon - :)..its like complimenting both you and me..Thanks ,that was so wonderful!

    @krislen - :) welcome

    @scentofmyheart - welcome buddy!

  6. Fabulous pieces, confidently expressed by a wonderful poet, artist of words.

  7. What a fun idea! Don't think I have time to participate this time but thanks for helping to keep the ideas flowing. :)

  8. A moving response to the prompt.

  9. Uma, a passionate poet
    Exploring her life by poetry
    During her other works
    By writing poetry forms in her blog
    Inspiring other to become a poet

  10. @Reflections -that was a compliment that touched my heart
    @Rachel-my pleasure to have you in
    @Dave-thank you
    @Jidhu -a compliment for me through your poem...thanks this one melted me :)

  11. Wonderful poems! I've never tried this form before. Thank you for teaching me.

  12. Loved these Uma...
    You ROCK!!

  13. smiles at your mom being your idol...i like this...might have to give the forma try....thanks for the intro...nice one shot..

  14. Great write - the flow and the words create such a lovely experience

  15. Really nice five liners.
    Nice way to celebrate woman's day.

  16. Excellent form, Uma!! And even lovelier sentiments...
    Aren't we blessed to have wonderful parents!!

    Really liked this tribute, my friend... very nicely written!

  17. Very creative and good thought.... enjoyed this new experiments of the form... I liked it. yes, Mom usually becomes the idol of young girls in India... but you took her to the next level... in becoming her biggest fan I guess...
    Thanks for sharing an interesting form...

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya
    At Twitter @VerseEveryDay
