
Sunday 30 November 2014

A Perfect Start

Sanitation and hygiene begins at Home!

The daily news on the TV was discussing energetically about the "Swachh India", a nationwide campaign for a clean and hygienic India.

Kavitha came out of the kitchen with a tea in her hand. She was headed towards her only son Rahul who was busy getting ready for his college.

"Didn't you mention me something related to this event, Rahul?" she asked her son pointing to the TV.

Rahul nodded as he took the tea from his mom.

"My class is participating in this event under my guidance starting from today. We will start cleaning our college and then slowly we will start volunteering to clean several parts of our city," he answered proudly.

Kavitha observed at her son for a moment.

Without wasting much time, she said "Just a minute son. I got something to show you," and she hurried towards his bedroom.

Soon, she came out calling for her son.

Rahul responded, but he stopped halfway and stood staring at his mom. He understood what his mom wanted to convey him. He sighed with a smile on his face.

"Oh, Mom..." he muttered. He then took the mirror from his mom and went inside the bathroom.

In a moment, he came out clean and fresh. Not even a stubble was to be seen.

Rahul's mom popped her son’s collar and said, "A perfect day starts from the perfect look and my son, you have it now". She looked pleased.

Rahul hugged his mom and went his way for doing his little bit for a cleaner and hygienic India.

clean shave

This  post is a part of #WillYouShave activity at Blogadda in association with Gillette.

Accepting tag from Bhawya of Bhawish Kitchen. And tagging friends - TarunBhawyaSomeone is Special and Ganga.


  1. Nice story Uma :) Recently read in a newspaper article that said, staying clean helps increase productivity too. Congratulations on taking part in the campaign dear...

    Thanks a lot dear for your warm words in my blog :) And excuse me for taking so long to come back to your blog... Again 2days away from pc :( So, I have to wait for Monday to come and read all of your posts that I had missed :(

    Coming back soon! TC! Keep smiling :)

  2. sanitation is really important in our life
