
Sunday 30 November 2014

A Perfect Start

Sanitation and hygiene begins at Home!

The daily news on the TV was discussing energetically about the "Swachh India", a nationwide campaign for a clean and hygienic India.

Kavitha came out of the kitchen with a tea in her hand. She was headed towards her only son Rahul who was busy getting ready for his college.

"Didn't you mention me something related to this event, Rahul?" she asked her son pointing to the TV.

Rahul nodded as he took the tea from his mom.

"My class is participating in this event under my guidance starting from today. We will start cleaning our college and then slowly we will start volunteering to clean several parts of our city," he answered proudly.

Kavitha observed at her son for a moment.

Without wasting much time, she said "Just a minute son. I got something to show you," and she hurried towards his bedroom.

Soon, she came out calling for her son.

Rahul responded, but he stopped halfway and stood staring at his mom. He understood what his mom wanted to convey him. He sighed with a smile on his face.

"Oh, Mom..." he muttered. He then took the mirror from his mom and went inside the bathroom.

In a moment, he came out clean and fresh. Not even a stubble was to be seen.

Rahul's mom popped her son’s collar and said, "A perfect day starts from the perfect look and my son, you have it now". She looked pleased.

Rahul hugged his mom and went his way for doing his little bit for a cleaner and hygienic India.

clean shave

This  post is a part of #WillYouShave activity at Blogadda in association with Gillette.

Accepting tag from Bhawya of Bhawish Kitchen. And tagging friends - TarunBhawyaSomeone is Special and Ganga.

Friday 28 November 2014

A Profile Named "Arjun"

The screen in front of me shone brightly with the words “Bharat Matrimony”. It has been a day that I had created my profile on their website. And requests have already started pouring in.

But, I was busy typing something from my mobile on to the search bar.

Profile ID: xxxxxx


Arjun. He had called me in my mobile that afternoon in my office and introduced himself.

He said he liked my profile in Bharat Matrimony and gave his profile ID telling me that if I was okay with his profile, he could ask his parents to speak to my parents.

After that talk, I felt nervous and at the same time wanting to see his face. He sounded soft and well mannered.

That evening,

My heart was pounding fast. It seemed ages for the website to load.

And in a flash, his profile appeared on the screen

My sister who was standing nearby looked his profile closer and said,” Damn, he looks good but something is missing. Do you like him?”

For a moment, I was silent. Then I replied, “Yes, but those stubble…"

She chuckled, "Yes, It looks like he had a love failure or something.”

I pretend to be cross and said, “It does not mean that I hate stubble. It is not well trimmed to suit his personality.”

Suddenly, my mobile beeped and I saw a message from him, “Am I okay?”

Without a second thought, I messaged him. There was no reply. And I was blaming myself.

Next day, there was a reply from him asking me to see his profile again.

I rushed to my laptop. Arjun had updated his profile.

The well groomed face in the profile, without a word told that he was already in love with me. So am I.

----------------> Good Impression = Better chances for Arjun <----------------------

This  post is a part of #WillYouShave activity at Blogadda in association with Gillette.
"An instance when a stubble came in the way of a man's chance to make a good impression." 

Accepting tag from Someone is Special of Fewmiles. And to my friends who are interested in #WillYouShave, here is my tag - VishalAnita, BhawyaSomeone is Special and SG.

Monday 24 November 2014

Predict your Luck with the Lucky 6 Game

Lottery - a word well known and is cherished by a common man for winning something big. But unfortunately, winning is very slim and not all are lucky to get returns on what they spend in buying the tickets. I have seen one of my uncle spend a little of his earnings every year on buying lottery tickets in the hope of winning a lottery. But, it has been a decade and he has not won much. Yet, his hope still remains. After all, in this materialistic world many things depend upon pure luck following hard-work.

I have often wondered what luck means and how wonderful is to be lucky. Though I am not a fan of lottery, there was one time I had been lured to try People Postcode lottery after reading about the high chances of winning through a reputed website. After that, now again I wanted to test lady luck as I had a chance of trying a new and unique app called as "Lucky 6" by Fat Cat gaming. To play this game, you don't need to spend a dime. The game is completely free and you also have a great chance to cash in.

Why lucky 6? I got the answer to this question when I downloaded the game to play. Lucky 6 is a unique concept which is crowdfunded and is an alternative to traditional lottery, or in simple terms it is a mobile lottery. And having played the game for some time now, I found the whole idea of the app was simple. It is not just luck but also depends upon your knowledge of the current stock market, a money minting word today.

My knowledge of stock market is too slim to explain how exactly it works and all thanks to the daily news which helps me know which stock rose and which slipped behind giving me a faint idea of the stock market. I also learnt about the large positive returns through stocks by people investing either through a broker or through the company they work. A lot of reputed brands and companies invest in stock markets today. And what you are doing with this game is predicting the brands that you think will make it to the top 6 which in turn reaps benefits either in terms of cash or holiday packs if your prediction is correct. How cool does it sound! And being a gaming app, it is all fun playing and moreover provides a chance to learn about stock exchanges.

lucky 6

How to download the Lucky 6 game?

  1. Download and install the game either in your IOS or android device using the link - Fat Cat Gaming
  2. Provide a username and passcode to your game to access the lucky 6 app.
  3. Login to your game.

How to proceed with the Lucky 6 game?

lucky 6 game app

Your dashboard is what you see from the above image.  Using "Selections" you will need to enter your play area wherein you are asked to select 6 brands out of some  98 to 100 brands listed in an alphabetical order.

lucky 6

Although the concept of the game sounds quite simple, you will need some basic knowledge of the current stock market to win in one go. In case if you do not have that knowledge, don't worry. You still can play the game for fun and even test your luck. All you need is to select any 6 brands that you will think will make it to the top 6 in the stock exchange in the week you play.

The six brands that you have selected will form what is called as "Tickets". You will need to confirm your ticket to place your bet. You can view your ticket and its score (after the game) in the "My Tickets" side menu. You are allowed to create about three tickets at the maximum.

lucky 6

Either your knowledge in stock market or your luck decides your future of winning something big. Yes, you might land in for some goodies or even a holiday package. The fun of the game is quite different compared to what I had been playing with my IOS apps and I personally feel this game as a mind challenge to research the market trend and then apply it to make your score to the top place.  It is like placing a bet on some random 6 brands and looking for them to make it to a complete ticket. You may never how lucky you might be. After selecting the 6 brands, confirm your ticket and keep your fingers crossed.

The result was pretty quick . The tickets I had created did not win although I scored some points which are added to my Scoreboard but I had the learnt something about the game which made me confident to play it again. You can also see all about your scores, number of tickets and your reach under "My Profile".

This app game is a win-win situation and not like other gaming apps like Farmville or Candy crush which floods your Facebook feed to play without any returns. You can also invite your family and friends using the share and social icons you see at the top of your dashboard. And when you invite your friends and family, all they do is thank you for introducing them to Lucky 6.  And as the app says, even if your family or friends win, you still win. Though it looks like you are gambling, it is just predicting the stock market. The knowledge of stock marketing adds a lot of value to this game making you to win if you know where you are investing your luck. Another new and developing feature is QuizApp which is what the name say "Asking general questions testing your knowledge" which is still in the beta. Overall, I liked the game as it was something unique and different. You can also try testing the app and when you have done, do comment below on what you feel about the app. Good Luck with Lucky 6!

The post is a part of the Lucky 6 activity by FatCat Gaming and Indiblogger

Sunday 16 November 2014

Highway - haiku


twists and turns on path
road ride akin life journey
destiny en route 

destiny en route 
mystery life, lone and dark
wee hopes light the path

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Feast or Famine Haiku

war haiku
Image credit: Dick Blick Art

Slaughtered fleshes, war
win or lose, just remains left
alongside Nature

alongside Nature
mass massacre, then famine
ludicrous war

ludicrous war
feast for eyes, famine for land
Bruised Ecosystem

-written for Magpie Tales