
Sunday 9 March 2014


Wrenched skin
Broken wings
of things that once engrossed my childhood

They lay every where
on the ceilings and on the floor
the innocence of my life
engraved in woods and stones
Here is the sofa once my grandpa used
He liked it so much, it's his cosy zone
Right after work, this is where he rests in peace

That broken Tele, how can I forget
the cheers and the smiles, this gadget
aired my first cartoon show
as I sat watching from my grandpa's lap

Yes! I could smell those dishes
arising from my grandma kitchen
all cooked for us three, to eat and chat.
Oh No! but what remains are
those broken wooden tops
How much she adored those place

Years have passed and things have changed
but still there was life
in this locked up home and
inside these wrecked things
" Ah! My Memories"

Soon, I made up my mind
Not to sell this country side house
For which I have traveled far from west
These memories are not to be destroyed
but to be renovated and preserved.


  1. smiles...i am glad she chose to preserve them maybe she can fix them up...seems like there are lots of special memories attached to that place....smiles.

  2. Lovely to preserve those childhood memories!

  3. it's beautiful to relive those wonderful moments.....once preserved in the core of the heart....

  4. Memories must be preserved..for they are our very own treasures ..our coziest corner where nobody can intrude..nice lines penned :-)

  5. Nicely done..thanks for sharing

  6. These memories are not to be destroyed
    but to be renovated and preserved.

    I am not in favour of old Houses/homes be sold but renovated and preserved as fond memories are attached to it. beautiful poems.

  7. Melancholy but with a touch of hope. Well done.

  8. I love how its not just a place that gets renovated and preserved but memories too.

  9. Nostalgic post. It's tough to let go of your childhood home... So many wonderful memories are attached to it.

  10. Preserving the memories of a place is a nice thing to do !

  11. And a beautiful revelation at the end!! Loved it!

  12. memories are for preserving. this can be quite a difficult realization to come to! thank you

  13. Oh the TV resonated with me too...

  14. that was so lovely! made me nostalgic :)
