
Thursday 8 August 2013

Ring The Bell, a Hundredth Time!

She, a child walked to a street shop
Was learning how she was treated with care
That shopkeeper was so nice to her
Had his hands over the child's body everywhere
She came home with a free lollipop
Frightened mom knew the truth
She was just a young bud, not yet a girl
Ring the bell! Shame on such men

She, a girl got to school  with her backpack
Young boys were standing near, eyes mocking
She backed a little, just to hear their words
Tickets please, a hand pulled her hand in lust
She waited for getting down, just to rush past lewd men
Frightened she was , her mind with questions
She was just budding, not yet a women
Ring the bell! Save her adolescence from fear

She, a woman entered college with dreams
Ragging to friendship, she was in a different world
Some women fell in love, some yet not
She hasn't promised anyone, fear of love
Lewd marks by some and pairing names
She had no business yet to carry on
Road side Romeos, honking bikes and screams
Frightened parents, tired and sleepless nights
She was a women, fighting anonymous calls
Ring the bell! Let her womanhood be safe

She a woman, married off
Let another phase of life, another side
Some escape , Some tied in web
Some carry on , Some cry alone
A mother giving birth to a daughter
The history repeats itself 
Ring the bell! But, who hears the sound?
The door is not yet open
For her to enter the brighter side of the world
But still, we keep ringing a hundreds of Bell
Hoping someday, the door might break open
Making her Free, to fly with wings

This post is written as a part of 'Ring the Bell' campaign on Indiblogger


  1. well... precised... kudos.

  2. the life of a female...
    very well described :)

  3. Treat Women with Respect..But I wonder how mindless people will understand it who have almost lost the moral,social and ethical values..I am saddened of such Person..
    Very Deep and Intense Lines...

  4. Yes Ring the bell!!!. Touching write up.Story of most of the women we would know.

  5. Beautifully composed...
    very deep and thoughtful...

    My entry for RING THE BELL


  6. It all depends on who rings the bell and who hears it! I'm a man who has lived with a lot of women - without raping any of them :)

  7. rings to bell of the heart of a man who has women around he cares for .. fears for..
    I am taken aback .. wonderfully express .. what it is to be a woman !!

  8. Great post.. Beautiful and touching poem.. Do visit my blog..

  9. Nice writing Uma! Sad reality of our times!Hope things change for better!!

  10. beautiful words....nicely crafted lines!

  11. Very beautiful and touching poem Uma! Hope the door break opens very soon!!
