
Tuesday 8 November 2011

The Mirror Outside

She lay spread on bed
As silent as she can be
Idle and possessed
I collected her as I got up
Carefully pulling out the loops
That resulted due to the love
Between the hairs at night
Mockingly , I tied her up

I opened the door for her
To get wet in the cool shower
I moved my fingers through her
And loosened her from the clutch
I watched the sight...
Gracious !
She fell cascading in elegance
And when the cool water trickled her
She soaked  herself into moistness
Doving in the shampoo producing rich lather
I bathed her fresh like a morning star

She then cuddled in between the cotton treads
Peeping now and then to the light outside
Frizzling slow...
She dried herself under the Sun
Allowing the heat to penetrate into her
Pampered in the warmth of love

Suddenly the cool breeze swarmed
Into the holes between the strands
Of her hair, unveils the beautiful face
That’s hidden behind the thin long screens
Scrubbing out the scents from the hair
That been bathed with rosewater touch
I smelled the fragrance closing my eyes
Indulging in the sweetness of tenderness

Each time I hold her soft body in my hands
I felt tender passion dissolving in
Each time she brushed on my face
I remembered pleasant moments
Being a delicate part of my body
She responds to every pain I incur
I know that she cares more for me
Breaking loose and in size reduce
Ready to hides my tears,when low
Or shines with glow when I 'm joyous
And this is how she talks with me.
I never seen such friend who heeds
To every feelings that I undergo ,
Displaying or making sure that I read

I brushed aside my wavy sassy lover
That knows how I feel in her close presence
I shook my head and beamed thinking
Of the woman in me who loves being pampered
With the same soft touch of care and love
I realize that I need to tie her up once again
A secret brief lock....
As she is my best Mirror outside

This post is composed for the prompt “Love your Hair and it loves you back” blogger contest by Dove and IndiBlogger with the launch of the new Dove Nourishing Oil Care Range,
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  1. sensuously beautiful!

    best wishes for the contest!

  2. Hello.
    Visiting from the group We The Bloggers.

    Now that's what I call some serious love!

    Nicely done Uma!
    Thanks for sharing.

    Thoughts Of Beauty In The Stillness Of Dawn

  3. Mirror Mirror on the wall..which is a nice poem on Dove contest..yours would surely qualify.
    Nice flow of poem..Had a great time reading it.

  4. You've got some of the most creative and to the point poetic expressions :)
    all the best for the contest!

  5. @Thank Magieye..seriously wow that made my day:)

    @Andy- to be appreciated from great writer like you is my pleasure

  6. @bemoneyware - Thanks and I'm happy that you loved it

    @Purushu- Thank you so much for the compliment:)

  7. classic piece Uma..super. u r going to win it dear

  8. very nice...very sensual...and the unveil at the end that they are a mirror of you...nice....

  9. delightful read! there was passion , sensuality and meaning at the end. well penned :)

    Good luck for the contest!


  10. A wonderfully sensual piece, really touches the senses, great job!

  11. @devasena -Thanks dear:)

    @Brain -I'm glad to get thumbs up from a great poet like you

    @subtlescribber -Thanks so much.Hope to see more of you

    @Pat -Thanks Pat :)

  12. Wasn't sure where this was going, but liked how it came out.

  13. Beautifully written Uma.. All the best..

    Someone is Special

  14. Very beautifully carfted. Elegant. Best of luck.

  15. Nice twist at the end.

    I especially liked "bathed her fresh like a morning star."

  16. Beautiful :)

    I wish you all the best !!
