
Saturday 29 October 2011

NaNoWriMo 2011 - 50,000 word Novel in just 30 days !

National Novel Writing Month for 2011 for all writers who love to write novels with guidance.I have participated in A to Z Challenge , NaPoWriMo(National Poetry Writing Month) and Haiku Challenges before for continuous one month.It had been a real challenge driving me to write whether I am ready or not.And as a result, I wrote everyday , learned new things and  finally produced some wonderful works  through them.This NaNoWriMo is 10 times more than the other writings challenge.If you like to face a real challenge in you life that keeps you awake all through the whole month, then this is for you.(I'm still thinking about it)

For those who wanted to know what NaNoWriMo is , I am giving you a brief summary.

What is NaNoWriMo ?

November is the chosen month for all who signed up.You got to write a 50,000-word novel on November 1 and finish by midnight on November 30th.You can write on drafts on your blog or use MS.Word document or even Notepad.Whatever you chose ,from November 1 everyday you got to update your word count in that box provided by NaNoWriMo .org site ( at the top) and then you can post excerpts of what you have written in your blog for your readers to read daily or weekly or however you want them to. Then, on the final day November 30,give yourself a good pat for successfully finishing it and upload your novel for official verification on the website.

If all goes well ,then you will be added to the web site's hallowed Winner’s Page.Also you get a cool winner’s certificate and web badge so that you can publish them on your blog/website. How does it sound? Cool isn't it.But one thing that I appreciate here is that it says that we will motivate us throughout our writing process (by the website).If you are looking for something like this, then why don't you sign-up too? Sign Up


  1. Nice & innovative idea to keep your pen (Keyboard) and mind racing to get a finished work of writing in a little & fixed time span. I wish you all the best!:)

  2. Enjoy the challenge Uma.. Best of luck..

    Someone is Special
