
Sunday 10 April 2011

The Whispering Dewdrops - Exploring Poetry - Palindrome (J)

Back in our School time ,during our English classes we all have learnt about Palindromes , a word which is derived from the greek word  "palin" (again or back) and "dramein" (to run) ".

Palindromes are words or phrases that reads the same in both directions (forward and backward) .Examples : LEVEL ,MADAM, RACECAR etc.Similarly a Palindrome poetry is the one which uses the beauty of Palindrome in Poetry.

There are three different ways to write Palindrome poems,namely

  1. Word Palindrome :- It can be read backwards, with the same words
  2. Mirrored Palindrome :-Here the words are reads the same forwards and backwards by letter and it is more difficult to write one
  3. Line Palindrome  :- in which the individual lines of a text make a palindromic sequence ,that is, which reads forwards and backwards, by lines.
This being my Exploring poetry MEME Day and in accordance with NaPoWriMo 's prompt (to write a poem backwards)  and A to Z Challenge prompt , I write a Line Palindrome poetry highlighting the letter "J". Welcome to the week 14 of Exploring Poetry Trekking and explore with me :)


I was slowly crossing your home
With Unsatisfied heart
I saw you ...
Blooming in happiness
Golden smile!



Golden smile!
Blooming in happiness
I saw you ...
With Unsatisfied heart
I was slowly crossing your home



  1. wow.....

    super magical imagery and full of sweet scents...
    admirable piece.

  2. Clever palindrome - nicely executed

  3. I tried your poetry forum, have fun...

    love yours.
    well done.


  4. @all Thanks for the footprints :)

    @Jingle -very clever work Ji.I like it and thanks for participating in my Poetry Trekking!

  5. Wow, Uma, how did you do that??? That's simply amazing... Okay, I am certainly going to try it out but maybe at the risk of more strands of hair turning white.. just kidding...

    Since I was thinking what I should submit as my entry in the next thursday rally...hmm, this sound like an interesting option to try... And I noticed your linky is on for quite awhile so yeah, at least I have more time to work it out...

    Just got the Dream Meaning up on Tingtasy and also got this week's TT - Tuesday Thankfulness up (hope to see you again) so yeah, give me some time to take on something new, yeah... *looking at you earnestly...*


  6. You’ve composed a nice poem and your knowledge about different poetry forms is really amazing!

  7. Wow! This one was tough! I linked in my attempt.

  8. Uma, wow, I actually figured out how to set my Tuesday Thankfulness as the latest published post so yeah, I am all done to link my poetry for this form.. Really happy that I learnt two new things today, one - to write in palindrome (line) poetry form and also to set and adjust my post in my blog.. :)

  9. @Krislen -I really like your palindrome is kinda tricky is'nt it?

    @lola -loved your palidroma :D

    @tarang -thanks for the visit :)
