
Sunday 17 April 2011

The Whispering Dewdrops - Quiet (Q) NaPoWriMo poetry

Exploring Poetry ,WEEK 12 -  of exploring poetry on my journey.It is more or less like TREKKING.Say, a poetry trekking....few joined me in my trekking in the past making my experience an enjoyable one...and I am still awaiting more to join me in.Today, the April 18th Monday MEME "Exploring Poetry " combines with NaPoWriMo and A to Z Challenge.

Join my MEME and be a part of Exploring Poetry

This week : NAANI 

This poetry was introduced by one of the renowned Telugu poets Dr. N.Gopi, presently working as vice-chancellor to Telugu University, Andhra Pradesh.
  1. Naani is one of Indian's most popular Telugu poems. Naani means an expression of one and all.
  2. It consists of 4 lines in total
  3. All the four lines consists of 20 to 25 syllables. 
  4. The poem is not bounded to a particular subject but it depends upon human relations and current statements. 
A dream
As a particle in eyes
Remains as tear
Wounded desire.

- By Bollimuntha venkata Ramana Rao

A to Z Challenge  of the Alphabet " Q" along with today’s prompt of NaPoWriMo which requires a poem of  erasure or recombination. My mission is to create a poem, either by erasing words from the paragraph, or recombining the words that are already there from a paragraph from Annie Dillard’s book, The Writing Life.

“I pulled down the curtains. When I leaned over the typewriter, sparks burnt round holes in my shirt, and fire singed a sleeve. I dragged the rug away from the sparks. In the kitchen I filled a bucket with water and returned to the erupting typewriter. The typewriter did not seem to be flying apart, only erupting. On my face and hands I felt the heat from the caldera. The yellow fire made a fast, roaring noise. The typewriter itself made rumbling, grinding noise; the table pitched. Nothing seemed to require my bucket of water. The table surface was ruined, of course, but not aflame. After twenty minutes or so, the eruption subsided.”

"NAANI" Poetry

Sparks of fire
Heat on my face and hands
Subsided with water
Twenty minutes after Bathing

Sparks of fire
Erupts emotional strain
Words in heat unattended
When ignored slowly subsided

The above two,I believe, satisfies the NaPoWriMo prompt.Now,for the A to Z Challenge ,

Twosome in Night time
Cool Breeze under Moonlight
Heart speaks more than Mind
Quiet Moments

Design of Letters
With correct presentation
Targeting word's essence
Writing Challenges

Just try a hand in it and link your "url " below

The Whispering Dewdrops -A To Z Challenge and NaPoWriMo

Thank you Jingle for your award.I am passing this award to all those who reads this post.Just take it!

Have a Nice Day!


  1. These are succinct and thought provoking - good use of the form, which looks difficult. Saying so much in few words is a skill I am not practised in:) Well done.

  2. Beautiful.
    I learned a new poetry form from you.
    you are the smartest.



  3. Goodness! You have all sorts of things going on here. Fine job with all of them.

    Tossing It Out
    Twitter hashtag: #atozchallenge

  4. I like the tightness of these poems. Very neat!

  5. What a fancy form! Very interesting. :)

  6. I really like the second Naani. Nice work.

  7. That is a pretty form thanks for sharing :)

  8. Wow, another poetry form.. and I am still working on the other.. Snail, I am.. :(

    But well, I like the twosome in the night... It just bring me moving feelings...

  9. These are all lovely. Thanks for the intro to a new to me form. Bravo!
