
Sunday 26 December 2010

Charity - Haiku

Two kids cart death ants
Buried them ground in cross and prayed
Charity exposed

Leprosy aided 
Bears symbol of Charity
"Mother Teresa"

My first Haiku is about  kids who when come around dead ants,they carry them in leaves and bury them in the ground praying for them to rest in peace.Kids never need to  be taught charity,most of them do and think with their hearts and only when they grow to adults , they start thinking with their minds.Charity needs hearts ,only hearts that Love.This love is spread by missionaries of charity , one well known example is "Mother Teresa" reflected in my second Haiku

Charity begins here too  Help feed someone out there


  1. Loovely haikus...
    a great haiku tribute to Mother Teresa...

  2. i like the one on mother teresa...very apt!

  3. Greetings, how are you?

    Welcome join us at potluck week 16, with theme as celebrations and festivities..

    Feel free to claim awards via the link below…

    Awards 4 potluck week 16

    We value your support, Have A blessed Holiday!
    Best Wishes 4 the year of 2011….
    Next Potluck is January 9, 2010,
    Please Don’t miss this golden opportunity to shine!


  4. Your second Haiku made me say that you are the best.. Mine is up as well.. Wish you a very Happy New Year 2011 !

    --Someone is Special--
