
Saturday 20 November 2010

Beware ! They are contagious

Sometimes I feel the need to expose myself , need to defend myself and the need to protect myself.Whenever I feel layed down,I search for doing things that motivates me instead of making me more vulnerable to it.I love my mom and the Internet for that.My mom is a struggle survivor from the young and the internet is my stress-buster.Lots of inspiring quotes and videos to find.Yes,I believe that a little word of hope provides the strength to move on.Quotes like "What you sow is what you reap " is very true.Whenever we do things ,we don't think of the consequences after we have reacted.They may be worse if we have reacted in bad way or brings in good fortune if we did reacted in a good way.Ah! lots of lessons learned and still learning on my way.You may feel that I am true when you read the below post .(The last para submitted for Sunday 160)

Beware ! They are contagious

Walking with heavy heart on the road
thinking about my life I sigh
a cute baby with turner's syndrome
playing ad mist her home
turned at me and smiled
The smile on that baby's face
it’s so contagious
I smiled back

Here comes the soaps episode after episode
seeing ladies at home and office tormented persistently
the anxiety in their voice  made the place
so angry drowning in
that sadness in me
it’s so contagious
I started to react, crying

Coming home I saw my spouse waiting for me
happiness drained when he caught me
complaining life and
hurting my ego
I felt the edge to defend myself
it’s so contagious
I striked back at him

I was returning home after a long trip
back at home my parents and friends
hugged me tight
their love and smile 
filled that place with colours
I felt very wanted
it’s so contagious
I reciprocated back
Whatever or However we may be with our list
Of Love or Hate, Happy or Sad ,Egoist or Altruist
They are like virus-very infectious and
Beware! They are contagious

Thursday 11 November 2010

Lord Hanuman-Acrostic

golden Heart Lord Hanuman
flies Above the blue sky
through Narrow clouds
to Unlease Sita, Lord Rama's love
is Majestic in his powers of
breaking All the barriers and
is Noteworthed for his devotion in helping all

The Above poem is written based on a picture prompt by Magpie Tales.I can identify the Lord Hanuman in gold lying on a soft blue cloth (sky) with white perals (clouds) around and so my poem took shape in form a Acrostic' HANUMAN' .Read  it again and you will get to know more .

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Facts of Life-Haikus

We fight among us
But clasp together in strife
Power of kinship

Our Children's Future
Vanquish Shackles in Marriage 
Trusts Matured Parents 

None allowed to daunt
Targeting my dignity
I clasp to my life

Tuesday 9 November 2010

The Seven Wonders of the World

A poetic form - Tanka

It is a Japanese poem of five lines, the first and third composed of five syllables and the other seven.Syllable is the count of how we pronounce a word.For example, poem is po -em counting to 2 syllable and wonderful is won-der-ful counting to 3 syllable.Tanka is in the form of 1-2-3-4-5 lines with 5-7-5-7-7 syllable.In my poem I write about the magnificent man made constructions in Tanka form with free style writing.

Build as a defense
from the attacks of tribals
The longest structure
runs curving the earth
Its the great wall of china

A monument built
in memory of his wife
on Agra in India
by Shah Jahan to Mumtaz
Taj Mahal ,a love befall

The Chichen Itza
links with Mayan's Calender
with 91 steps
and with top platform counts to
Three Hundered and sixty five

In Rio de Janiero
He stands 120 feet tall
with his arms widespread
made of concrete and soapstone
welcomes Christ ,The redeemer

An amphitheater
build with eighty entrances
The grand colosseum
the monument entralls
50,000 spectators

Two thousand feet above
river Urubamba in Peru
enclosing remains
of observatory is
The ruins of Machu Picchu

About 800
individual monuments
carved magnificiently from
kaleidoscopic sandstone
Petra in Jorden

Thursday 4 November 2010

Celebrating Diwali

Happiness from everywhere fills the air
All young and old awake early in morning
Painting the entrance with beautiful kolams and
Preparing to celebrate this joy of uniting with relatives
Young ones are noted of roaming around with sweets in both hand

Dancing around ,the whole family celebrates this day
Inigniting candles , praying god to keep them happy everyday
With sweets exchanged between relatives and friends
An evening  begins with bursting crackers and colourful fireworks
Lighting our home and our life anew burning the negatives to ashes
Indicating the joy of giving and receiving for days to come


Wednesday 3 November 2010

Mystical Love

Mystical Love -Haiku's


Nothing would stop her
Saving her kid from danger
Love is mystical

The tie so perplex
Some mystical bond exists
We name it as love

Your love is magical
Your touch is my secret wish
Love can't be explained

Love is always Mystical