
Wednesday 6 October 2010

My Friends, My Life, My Phone - A Phone and A Woman's Life

Alcatel One-Touch Net:  Tata DOCOMO One Touch Net Phone

  1. Alcatel One Touch Net is a full QWERTY keyboard device with Blackberry style
  2. It has a 2.4-inch screen,decent Resolution of of 240×320 pixels , EDGE connectivity, Blue tooth stereo, music player, FM radio with RDS, 2 MP camera and 80MB of internal memory.
  3. Boasts of one touch services to all Yahoo!services such as Yahoo! Mobile ,Yahoo! Mail, Yahoo Messenger, Yahoo Search, Yahoo! Homepage, Yahoo! Social Pulse, Yahoo! Address Book and Calendar, and Flickr.
  4. Also has also has an Optical Track pad means that it works like a mouse on a mobile device
  5. Has One touch dive in services such as Tata DOCOMO,Music,Games,Animation,M-Greetings,Videos,Images,Portfolio Manager,SMS
  6. The Battery is Standard battery - Li-Ion 850 mAh
  7. Has Social networking integration via Social Pulse
  8. One click access to Tata DOCOMO Facebook, Orkut and Twitter communities
And Cons
  1.  Its not a 3G mobile phone and thus doesn't have a GPS and a Wifi connectivity

Reveals a Life living with Phones
Note:The characters in this story is imaginative and doesn't resemble any individual persons or company.Any resemblance is purely coincidental.

A short story in which I have highlighted some Positive and Negative effects of the phone that can CREATE or DESTROY A Woman's life

Sharing the LIFE OF NITHIYA :

Negative effect on her life

Nithiya was in her sweet sixteen going to school. Hanging around her neck was her ID card.ID meant for what?Yes,meant for her profile details along with her phone number which will give her an identification in School.She used to travel in city bus for her school as no school bus was available in her location.It was just two days before it started.She was getting anonymous calls in her phone at home asking for her name.She didn't respond at first but within a few days she started to react to that type of anonymous calls which led her life in a different path.As young as her age is, she became the victim in the lists of  women's harassment.

Her father was having a little shop near the house and wanted his only daughter to become a doctor.He got calls for personal loans,credit cards from many banks.He got interested in personal loans for the upcoming college days for his daughter and enrolled in himself in a few banks for loans which he ultimately failed to meet and ended being in Debt.

Nithiya finally landed in a call center company job  to pay off the debts of her family and her life.She got calls after calls and also was put  in an untime shifts.But she continued the job since the money was eye catching.Days went by,she got her life into an unbalanced life cycle, suppressing her feelings which ultimately led to depression.

Positive effect on her life

Nithiya was in her sweet sixteen going to school. Hanging around her neck was her ID card.She ignored the anonymous calls as prank calls and normally she went on to continue her education.She entered a medical college that was her father's dream.She got a beautiful mobile phone and made a list of her faithful friends to keep in contact with.Her exposure grew well with SMS's,Mail's and Internet.In her final year,she contacted colleges providing scholarship for her higher studies through Internet in her phone and landed in a decent course.

Her father having a little shop also ignored the calls for personal loans and credit cards unless he was personally recommended by his knowledged friends.He went for mutual funds and made a good start for her daughter's future life.Nithiya taught her father on how a single phone call would book an appointment to the hospital and get orders for his shop without going far to those places.Her father even used it for free home delivery for foods and other products.

Nithiya climbed up the ladder and finally went to US and settled there with a perfect job.Her phone was much better with all that is necessary in today's life and she kept in touch with her father and her friends.She chatted with them long through audio calls ,mails ,and social networking sites.She was happy with her Phone.

Moral :
Technology should be used to the better living of Life.
Phone/Cell Phone or any other kind of Technology can be USED or MISUSED depending upon the type of person you are.

 A small poem dedicated to my site

Tata has launched its mobile phone with
Alcatel as its partner ,it commits
The way we contact the world has changed

Decent resolution of 240x320 pixles
One click access to all Yahoo services
Camera,FM radio,Bluetooth and Edge connectivity
Optical track pad adds as an another facility
Making it a wonderful device that
One should have in their waistcoat

This post is written in response for IndiBlogger's "Share A Life Contest" .


  1. Wow.. very well thought and written after a thorough research on the subject. Liked the pros and cons section through examples as well as the sliding album you have put up at the top. All the best for the contest.

  2. Nice post, and very thoughtfully done :)

    Best wishes for the contest :)

  3. hey that was well written. Especially I liked the same subjects in two different versions of positivity and negativity. Good luck with the contest.

  4. Nice one.. Well Written. Good luck for the contest.

  5. Nice comparison of positive and negative perspective's, thanks for the comment on my blog and good luck for the contest.

  6. Excellent post. You should promote this post with #indiblr for more votes. :-)

  7. You're right - technology must improve our quality of life

  8. Exhaustive write-up on the subject! Very well researched. Kudos Uma.

  9. nice writeup the way it goes...fate we call it ..or is it ?

  10. @ All
    Thanks for the support given

  11. Haha... A poem for docomo.. Great post..

  12. Nice way of writing about the positive and negatives of phones in life.

  13. Today i came to know what TATA DOCOMO actually stands for!! Great post and All the best for the contest

  14. Yes, technology can be useful as well as harmful, it depends on the user......i believe some people are extremely intelligent, but they use it negatively to harass, terrorise others. If it is used positive, they can be cheerleaders, anyways good promo for TATA DOCOMO, i think i am a shareholder of this

  15. Technology is excess or misused can be harmful and may lead to many complexities in life but when you control the outcomes in your day -- you can limit the use of technology. :)

  16. Wow!!!wonderful post..i loved the way you showed the pros and cons..

  17. Hey Uma, thank u so very much for your vote on my post at Indiblogger
    I liked your write up, it was very analytical. I think I've used my quota of votes already, but let me go and check.

  18. It makes me think of 'choice' and 'free will'. Every moment in life we are faced with two paths - one that leads to good things and the other to doom. Wonderful write-up.
    Also placing the negative first and washing it away with positive is really nice.

  19. hey thats a nice concept and idea.... well composed post... keep it up

  20. Nithiya did goood :)

    liked the post

    Bikram's Blog

  21. Hey Uma that was some great writing.. life's about the choices we make.. very insightful

  22. Very well penned down Uma... made for a very interesting read!

    Thanks for dropping by at
    My Yatra Diary...
    I enjoyed my visit here too:)

  23. Hey Uma,
    That is a nice post.
    I have promoted your post on Indiblogger.
    Please vote for my post too. The same post has been participated for Indiblogger meet review contest and DOCOMO contest.

    Please vote for the following posts

    Thanks :)

  24. Good way of presenting a story. But how can one be addicted to anonymous calls?

  25. @all Thanks for supporting Me.
    @abhishek -yes,I have changed it to a better word

  26. Too good...liked the fantasy...truly! :)

  27. Hope you noted my vote :-)

  28. Great piece of work :)
    Thanks for visiting Do visit again.

  29. I have promoted your post
    Do read it and vote for support :)

  30. I liked u style. Good stuff. Read this when u get time

  31. fantastic post :) Loved reading it

  32. Promoted your post :)
    Very informative post this is !!

    Our poetry potluck is NOW open, welcome linking in..

    hope you a fabulous Monday!

  34. This is very nice...

    I really like that Poem.. Good work. I am promoting you...

  35. Hi. As I said before, I love your post.
    It kind of inspired me to enter the contest myself.
    A late bloomer that I am, here's the link to my submission,
    Please do read it and vote for it if you feel it is deserving enough.

  36. @all Thanks for your support !I am happy that you all liked my post :)

  37. wht a comprehensive research oon the subject.. really interesting.. :)

  38. The story at the end did it for me ,you have my vote & you have a new follower as well :)

  39. Good. Voted for you. I liked the conclusion.

  40. Loved the post and the conclusion even better :D
    The ending was a bang! :)
    Voted :)

  41. Nice constructive post.
    Promoted you on the Contest.

    My post is

  42. @All Thanks for your comments...In my above post,I have highlighted few facts that is happening in today's life.It a constructive decision to lead a life of your choice,a Happy and Peaceful one:)

  43. About the Negative effects:
    So *that* was it? Really? Her dad fell for the Loansharks' slick words and landed in debt, and it's the phone's fault?

    Nithya takes up a job in a call-center, and she goes into depression, and it's the phone's fault?

    Man, you expect too much from modern technology. Cell phones aren't made to save humankind from their own follies.

  44. @rindojustrindo
    PHONE/CELL PHONE is still a MEDIUM for those who call and promote their bussiness be it a credit card or personal loans ...
    and for the call-center job,its a known fact that those persons land in a position of depression in some part of their life hearing calls after calls,unable to ignore the harsh calls and untime shifts...

    I have clearly stated that Phone or any kind of Technology can be USED or MISUSED depending upon the type of person you are.
    Its OUR CHOICE in life of how WE USE them.

  45. Very interesting blog post - Voted for it - All the best :)

    - N. Chokkan,

  46. Like this unique way of writing.
    am following ur blog. cya on mine too. :)

  47. Oh , You are simply fantastic in the execution part man.. :)

  48. Very interesting post!
    As a teenager, i could really relate to all the pros & cons felt! Hopefully, i'm going to be part of the 'Pros'! :)

    Please promote my post on IndiVine. It can be found here-

  49. pretty good insights. I'll be sure to stop by and read more from you. thanks.

  50. fantastic write....thank you for sharing
