
Thursday 16 September 2010

Its Just Once In a Lifetime Journey

We all have the habit of comparing our life with many things .More often , we compare life with the journey by Train .Train is like our life in this world in itself .We get into the train and travel to our destination which is already fixed.In between , we see different people travelling in and out of our train with different purposes, work and destination.Sometimes we talk,laugh and mingle with them till we or they reach their place outside the Train at some specified station. I learned that sometimes when we are unhappy in our life, comparing with things like this does miracle with your mind making it to feel much better.I tried to convey this message through a poem and here is it for you.

It’s my arrival
I am surrounded by relatives and friends
smiling happily at my arrival
passing sweets and chocolates
celebrating my coming home

It’s my departure
I am surrounded by relatives and friends
crying sadly at my departure
passing consolation from one another
feeling sad of my going away from home

It’s my journey
In between my arrival and departure
I am caught between my purposes of my life
Learning the secrets of love and giving

During my journey,
I meet all sorts of people from 6 to 60's of age
Both healthy and sick, but traveling the same
As stations comes, few people get out of the train
Leaving place for the ones who come in

The people moving about, I watch them accustomed
I pridely await for my departure that is yet to come
I ‘m traveling my route with the best of my dream
Making my life worthy to remember with gleam
I don't care of my arrival or my departure which is certain
But what matters to me is my ride on this train
So during the end which would be my last rest
People should say,
There goes the soul which had lived a life to its best


  1. This is a good perspective on the journey of life............I especially love the last line! Thank you for this poem:)

  2. Your comparison of life's journey to the journey of a Train is similar to my description of life's journey through "The Between." I hope to keep in touch with your journey as you keep in touch with mine. It is good for one writer to support another. Happy writing.

  3. @Margaret Sure to keep in touch with your poems
    and I agree that writers should support one another to keep writing.
    @Sherry Thanks to you too to stop by commenting me

  4. nice write...for me it is more about the journey than the destination and the people you meet along the have a healthy and wise out look...

  5. I was just so glad I found you.. A well-written poem.. I love to write poems and stories.. Hope to be friends with you as well as having you around in any one of blog (which ever appeals to you) and support me through my writing journey.. Hope to see you around! :)

  6. @Brain
    Thanks for joining in my journey

  7. beautiful story,
    the process is more important than the destination,
    love your sweet nature.

  8. I especially love the truth you express so gracefully in this line:

    >> But what matters to me is my journey travelling on this train<<

    Read my BigTentPoetry offering today.

  9. Nicely written poem!
    So much to be experienced between arrival and departure.

  10. i love trains and yes it is a beautiful ride... you have measured the distance between birth and death in such a poignant way


    potluck is open, if you have old poems to share, link in NOW,
    you will benefit the best if you act and get in early.
    Thanks for the participation!
    Happy Sunday!

  12. Beautiful thoughts and what a beautiful expression!

  13. awesome journey entry...

    I used to ride trains and know the feelings in between...


  14. Thanks for the lovely participation, Happy Tuesday!

    Potluck Week 17 Treat/Awards 4 You, Enjoy!

  15. Fantastic write, so poignant!

  16. Great imagery for this piece. Well done!

  17. This is the universal experience of reconnecting to leave again.

  18. nice...i remember this one....and yeah it makes for a great metaphor for life..and still i live for the journey...

  19. isn't it great to have people cheering and crying upon our arrivals and departures, no matter if it's the journeys during or in and out our life... enjoyed this ride..

  20. yep it's how we make the journey that counts ....thank for sharing x
