
Tuesday 28 September 2010

I am Honored!

To all my readers and my friends, I am honored to inform you all that I am awarded the "sweet princess award " and "the thrusday rally awards"  by Jingle for my contribution to Jingle Poetry and Thrusday poets rally.

A special thanks to Jingle who encourages people to write more poems through her prompt and awards them.For those Poetess and Writers who want to be the part of it ,I am displaying their Blog links for you

I love poetry !


  1. Thanks for posting...

    support us by visiting a dozen poets from our list.
    Happy Tuesday!

  2. Thank you Umamaheswari for joining

  3. Congratulation, my friend.. Really happy for you.. I wished my writing will have some awards too.. ;) But anyway, I am glad to have you around in my blog.. Yeah, I am following you as Syracuse Pike among your followers on Google and my real name, Krislin on Networked Blog from FB.. and yeah, I have witnessed your work but at times, I enjoyed quietly instead of leaving you a comment.. :)
    Thank you for you comment in my latest Chapter (17) in my Tingtasy Stories Diary.. Hope you will follow on Networked Blog too..
    Anyway, I am writing about what took place in my Secondary School years so do return to find out what Gemma had lost.. It is a sad past which left me phobia in making friends.. The next chapter will take published either on this Saturday or Sunday.. See you then..

  4. many congratulations friend, Jingle is a great friend of mine, this is much deserved and thank you for visiting me... :)

  5. @all
    Your comments are the one which me motivates me more.Thanks for visiting me....This applies to all who visited me with or without comments :)

  6. Hope to see you at Poetry Potluck tomorrow...
    take care,
    your contribution is valued.
