
Tuesday 7 September 2010

Crying Makes You And Me Healthier

Today morning I had a walk in the park with my kids.It had rained that night .I could see the rain drops everywhere and I can feel the cool breeze touching  me softly when I walked around the park.Well, I thought I had been in happier moments and also in sad moments in my life.Sometimes we see few drops of tears, say one or two rolling clamly from the sides of our eyes when we are most happiest and when sad , you can see a lots of drops like a little river -Tears , it rolls and rolls from our eyes. And the question is :
IS CRYING  HEALTHY....comment?

Raindrops Raindrops
falling from the sky
rolling down over
washing the land , leaves and towers

One drop of happy drops
Make my soul to sing higher
One drop of sad drops
Makes my soul from drowning deeper

<0>,  ing     <0>,  ing       <0>,  ing


  1. Beautiful post and such a great photo to match. Sometimes I think crying is necessary.

  2. Beautiful poem and that too the images at end just focuses the poem.Keep up the good work!

  3. Thank you for your comment.Very well got my point on the images at the end ,its like crying eyes and still ...yeah,Crying is Healthier!

  4. @self sagacity Thank you.Crying makes one feel light-hearted from being heavy and I agree with you Crying is necessary

  5. Crying s most definitely healthy !! I love the image by the way, sis you make it yourself?

    Anyway not crying is so detrimental that it can make you ill. Hence why i always recommend a good sob wherever and whenever needed.
    Annabelle xxx

  6. Crying is very healthy. It lets you channel those feelings. I know a good portion of the time, people feel better after a good cry. It is just how we humans live.


  7. @julian
    Crying in limit and not too much ,yeah I agree..sometimes we have to clear up a little trash(soaked up emotions) so that we have some space left for other things as well.Thanks friends for your comments!

  8. I don't know about crying being healthy, but yes it makes you feel light for sure! And if that light feeling has something to do with the health! Yes! I guess it does!

  9. wow....interesting post....great subject and interesting picture used for illustration....well written...keep blogging and best wishes

    by the way:
    hi.........i'm a 15 year old blogger.....currently taking part in the "My Demand" contest......
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  10. Hey Uma! Thanks for the follow, and I left a comment here .. ?

    It was about how crying can make people feel light and this healthy! :)

    And btw, I request you to read my post and vote for it, of you like! :)

    Hey Uma! Thanks for the follow, and I left a comment here .. ?

    It was about how crying can make people feel light and this healthy! :)

    And btw, I request you to read my post and vote for it, of you like! :)

  11. I like this poem allot and am following you now. You might like my blog also. -Josh

  12. @ALL...Thanks for your Comments.I am writing and will write more poems with positive attitude so that those who read them and need them will feel a little hope :)
    Afterall We all need some Love and Hope!


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  14. Beautiful write and a lovely image to match!

    Short Poems

  15. This would be lovely set to music.

  16. Good imagery & work, solid use of repetition.

  17. Great site. A lot of useful information here. I’m sending it to some friends!
