
Wednesday 25 August 2010

You Are The Magnificence In Human Form

The vision that you glorify in your mind, the ideal that you enthrone in your heart, this you will build your life by, and this you will become.
- James Allen

The thing I love about inspiring quotes is they pack so much wisdom in so few words. Some of them are really mind and heart opening – just reading them has the power to give you a new life.And below is the MOST inspiring video I had come across ever.Following the video comes my POEM.Both will give you goosebumps.Watch it and Read it.
You will feel complete-as a HUMAN


Some where in my life I felt why I was born
But as time passes by, it has been proved that I am wrong
I am born new each day in this world that I live
I strive as a human in my world of solace and afflictive
I am still the magnificence in human form
I am strong enough to hold anything inside my arm
I am happy to born as an Human
I can and will do all that I can

Every human beings in this world exist for their own reasons
Each day we keep moving on our paths learning our lessons
Someday we might not be here in this world
But whatever trace we leave here teaches others sixfold
I am alive now and will enjoy being human every bit
I am born as an HUMAN and I love it !


  1. Beautiful poem! Wonderful message.

  2. lovely imagery,
    Glad to have you share.

  3. The video was very inspiring! Thank you so much! And your poem is such a positive affirmation of life, too. Very uplifting!

  4. wonderfully written piece! inspiring words that go well with the video. Great advice to live by each day. Thank you for sharing
