
Tuesday 29 January 2013

Discount Coupons for Books!

Discount Coupons for Books!
I shouted aloud to the herd
of people , Far and Near
through Blogger words

 "Where can I find one ?" ,
asked first voice in awe
 "Are you Internet aware?" ,
mocked another voice there
"Ahem...", I cleared my throat to voice
Looking at those standing , questioning eyes

Lots of place like Amazon and Ebay
And for all in India, have my say
Flipkart , Tradus or Snapdeal
To your inbox , all coupons revealed

Use at your might or click at a go
You don't regret what I said so

Haha , so finally here is a poem for all that I wanted to brief out.Online book shopping is great and I must say having published two ebooks , my next work is to get a printed book available at all prominent online bookstore.

I came across a website Coupondunia delivering coupons for such offers esp. from Flipkart, Snapdeal coupons, coupons, Tradus coupons and more. And I must say I raised my eyebrows thinking why have'nt this idea struck me before.

ShopClues is another interesting website similar to Snapdeal offering discounts for many items including books and ebooks through ShopClues coupons . Other websites include Naaptol , HomeShop18 and Indiatimes shopping which offers voucher on weekly basis and the best thing is they even provide COD (cash on delivery) for items odered on their website.

Coupondunia , literally meaning Coupon World ( dunia in hindi means the world) has almost all coupons for many online book stores .I even used one such coupon to buy myself a book using Snapdeal coupons. And as I was doing so, the above poem haunted my mind and so this post was born. 

Why not try using coupons when you buy books next time?

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Haunt me to Clean off the mask of Love !

Haunt me Clean off the mask of Love !

I waited this day for so long
To be immersed in silence
and his warmth of love all along
The face so relaxed but feelings intense
His sweated lips and his preying eyes
His manly smell haunts my bodily sense
The moment  that I deeply craved arrives
But , I hesitated to reciprocate back
Oh No! Not today , I looked pale
There is something that blocked my approval
On my mind , one line seemed to haunt and yell
"Oh how I wish I had opted for my hair removal "

He didn't know to read my mind
And so he thought I was very shy
He took my hand to his with a touch so kind
Weaving a smile of self assurance by
To assure his love and his insight
He sent a wave of  his manly might
To prove a girl ,  the love of a guy
But all I need now is to let out a cry
Only then, he noticed what I was up to
With twisting legs and clothes that drew,
My hands concealed what that grew
For a minute he stared at me as if he got the clue
Running in his mind were again the lines ,
I wish she had opted for her hair removal "

Haunt me to clean off the mask of Love !
Bring the confidence to the power of now
With amounts of signal sent to and fro
And within hours of clearing the mess that grows
Now , I am a woman shining with confidence
To steal the attention of my man back to the show
He entered with the same smile and  pinned
his look , neared me and whispered an invite
" So divine you are , shall we .... " he grinned
Signalled a sign to redeem what we left that night

This post is a part of the Gillette Satin Care contest in association with