
Sunday 20 May 2012

Newspaper Poem

Newspaper Poems : I found this to be an interesting and innovative way of creating poems. A Newspaper is bound to have vast topics and selective words.And to write a poem out of it, you have limited access to words and also are exposed to new words that might find interesting places in your poem.You don't even know how your poem is going to turn out.And the final outcome of you poem really surprises you .

Inspired by Poet Austin Kleon who invented this form of poetry  using newspaper articles from the New York .He used the New York Times as an unique canvases for creating his verse which led him to be a famous Newspaper blackout poems ( this is where he used to strike the rest of the words with his black pen that don't form the poem).This is very unique that ,we have no options to interchange the words (I will post the same later in this blog).The below is what I did to make out a Newspaper Poem

  1. Take a Newspaper and circle down the words which sounds interesting to you on it.
  1. My Newspaper 
  2. Now , cut the circled words from the newspaper and keep aside.
  3. Then, carefully arrange them into neat sentences 
  4. Now, your are ready to make your own Haiku or Rhyming patterns or even any other form of poetry
  5. Finally take your camera and click your the picture of your poem
  6. The Output

This is what I came up with surprised me though ;)

Children , I  find likes to play with puzzling around the paper and this type of poetry arrangement or say game will expose kids to poem and new words.The newspaper acts as a scaffold and Children with can the words  directly in their poem. They would find this technique worth exploring including those who want to explore poetry forms ...Yay! I enjoyed it really :)

Sunday 13 May 2012

Happy Mothers Day !


The Original

Saturday 12 May 2012

Wild Imaginations !

I wanna live inside a Tree, Mommy
Please do tell me how to build one
Oh!are you talking about Tree house,Honey
We can find them on the wild forest , my son
This was my Mommy's  answer
but I seeked something better

No Mommy, I am talking the real one
See, a real house inside a tree, 
Oh!how wonderful it would be
To have a house deep down the tree
The other side of the world I would see
And learn about the wonders created around me
I started to sing and strolled around my garden
With my wandering mind and my mouth organ

I wonder where do the rabbits hunts
and finds their sweet orange carrots
I want to explore the marvellous merits
that made the seeds grow with strong fronts
I have also read about the pirates living in the sea
hunting for treasures in lands and in trees
If the insects and birds can make home on trees
Why cannot I build one just  for me

As I sang , suddenly my head started to spin
And I saw what I could never imagine
I saw tall magnificent door on a tree 
I pushed myself in and led myself free
I slided down by some strange stairs
And deep deep down ,I flew on air
Monsters snore, I guess they are asleep
I ran , I ain't no dinner they would keep
As I crossed them, a  weird pathway evolved 
which had the snakes and ladders riddles to solve 
That's my luck , I finally passed my test of strife 
which lead me to the weirdest thing of my life
In front of me, stood a beautiful house
where I was sleeping tugging my blanket close
I slowly went near and touched my head
And that's the last thing that I had did

I awoke from a wild wild dream I ever had
That made my  imaginations to thread
Oh! How I wish again to see inside of the Tree
Stroke my imaginations wild , Break me Free!

-for Poetic Pub on dversepoet "Wild Things  or Children's Wild Imaginations".

Friday 4 May 2012

I Love my Kids - Concrete or Shape Poems

After a long time, I tried again a shape poem using MS.Word.I already have done few concrete poems of Rose , Sun, Heart, Eyes and Cars which you can browse from the labels on the right hand side.Now I wanted to try an Human form.You never know how happy I was when the actual words turned out into a beautiful painting .I love the shadow that appeared to look like a child's.The combination of the right words and the arrangement did the trick.

-for theme Thursday "Family" 

Please leave your footprints on what you think of the above Shape poem.
I'm happy to trail you back :)